posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 01:47 PM
One indication of the militarization of police is the fact that virtually every city and small town (even ones with tiny populations) have SWAT teams.
These are used almost exclusively in drug raids and in many documented instances, in drug raids on the wrong house. Smashing the door in, screaming
and swearing at the terrified occupants, shooting the family pet which poses no threat. Once the police discover their mistake they rarely offer any
apology or appear sympathetic, instead they believed what they were doing was right so it didn't actually matter.
Incidentally I have read the book which the OP posted a picture of at the start of this thread. It's makes for some highly informative, if grim
reading. Recommended. The book charts the militarization of the police and relates a mass shooting incident (forgive me because I may have forgotten
all details) in...if I recall correctly...Austin, Texas in about the 1960s. I think it was on the University Campus and the shooter in question holed
himself up in clock tower with a rifle and was picking people off. The police were unused to dealing with such a situation, as I think it was one of
the first mass shootings, which sadly we have all become familiar with. I think it turned out the shooter had a tumour which was affecting his brain.
Anyway, it's a very good book...