posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 09:19 PM
originally posted by: drz400
Ive always wondered why it is that people feel they need to wait for one man (POTUS) to tell the world that aliens exist.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I can at least tell you my perspective on the subject. I've always been a believer ever since I was really
young, before I even had any experiences(that I know of). I used to look up at the sky, always hoping to see something. It wasn't until I was 18
that I saw my first ufo right outside of Colorado Springs. I've seen quite a few strange things in the sky afterwards, some of them shared sightings,
others just solo. In my early 20's I had a memory return to me of when I was around 11 years old of waking up and seeing an alien looking over my
sleeping body, waving something over me. I remember getting scared and throwing my blanket over my head, continually thinking "Please go away, please
go away, please go away" and within moments I was fast asleep.
The point I'm getting to is that I'm a believer, but even so, sometimes I do wonder if I'm just insane. lol Did I really see the things that I
believe I saw?? Now I always remember some of my sightings were with friends so I wasn't the only one seeing them. Still, though, I do ponder every
so often if I'm nuts. So the idea of some high up official coming out and saying that aliens are real, and that they are among us would actually feel
like a sigh of relief. It would be nice to know that I'm not crazy. lol
Another reason is that growing up as a believer, many people labeled you as crazy. Almost every single time a report had to be done on any topic of
our choosing in school came around, I would choose the topic of UFO's. Though the teachers always found it fascinating, many of the students around
me just mocked me for it and called me crazy. If I ever heard adults around town bring up the topic, they would always label the person as insane.
One of my old co-workers up north heard me talking to someone about it and asked me "Why is it that people who see ufo's are always crazy??", to which
I replied "Because people like you automatically label them as such." So, even though I wouldn't be shoving it in their faces or anything, I would
have a smug sense of satisfaction knowing that all those people who think us believers are crazy will have no way to deny it then. XD
I don't need disclosure from anyone high up because I've already had enough experiences to make me a believer, but at times I feel it would be nice if
they came out and said it.
edit on 9-12-2016 by Necrobile because: (no reason given)