a reply to:
It is the case, the overall majority are young men. If you don´t trust the YT, at least listen to a local that has experience.
I´ve been to two different refugee centers and the common picture is young males "teenagers". There are women and children but if you´d ask me on
the percentage, it´s 20% women and young children, the rest are young men.
In Ellwangen and Crailsheim. SADLY, all the articles are not accessible after 30+ days without paying a fee or I could show you the TERROR the people
in Ellwangen faced. Crailsheim not so much, or at least the press there was silent, compared to Ipf&Jagst / Schwäbische Post. They had articles and
photos of fights between 50 vs 90 people throwing stones from the roof and interior like chairs from the windows to use it as weapons in fights
between nationalities on a two day shedule. That´s how it really is!
Drug statistics rooftopped in Ellwangen, main cause is the refugee center. It´s not a secret but it doesn´t get the headlines as much as alleged
fires laid by germans. Let me tell you, the reason is almost everytime a cigarette in the paper bin or barbeque sessions in the attik. I´ve seen
things and I know how to read the firealarm protocolls. You can even tell when they decided to open the window because of temperature drop on the heat
sensor. The smoke detectors can compute the difference between CO2, white smoke, black smoke, methan and measures O² levels. And even cigarette smoke
can be detected and fire alarm supressed. However, this is only allowed in hotel room situations, not hospitals and similar. You would be surprised,
how detailed a fire is analyzed, not by the fire department, but the companies that share their data between each other when it comes to real fires
and the detection vectors.
I´ve seen them cooking meat on bare cooking plates, pissing into the corners of the building (2m away are the bath rooms), smashing in manual smoke
alarm switches for #s and giggles, because they like the red fire trucks and all the fuss. It´s like some just don´t want peace, many are
traumatized. Does not justify such behavior.
Should I get started on women being reached around in the centers against their will? Of course, THIS does not make headlines globaly, only small bits
in the press, if even. You´ve no idea, sorry to say that.
edit on 8-12-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)