posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 09:32 AM
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Beautiful thread and beautiful sentiments!
Positivity is not practical for some, because of a hinderance in their cultivated character. When we find it difficult to overcome our own inner
negativity, we must remember that most things take effort, practice, and time. On a psychological level, when we overcome the urges of our own
negativity to pursue positivity, we begin to develop and strengthen the neural-networks associated with positive conduct. This is how "habits" are
formed, through the cultivation and development of neural-networks.
The individual affects their family,... their friends,... their classmates and coworkers,... their neighbors,... their acquaintances,... and all of
existence. Stemming from the individual, their families and social networks go onto to affect neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, nations,
cultures, all of the various civil and private institutions, and the entire world. Every individual directly and profoundly affects the entire world
and all of reality. You, dear individual, affect the entire world with your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. You are the world and the world is
you. The outer world is reflective of our inner worlds.