posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:22 PM
I am familiar with AA and its affiliate group alanon
I decided it was a cult once I became aware of symbolism, and conspiracies.
Most people who go are probably not aware nor do they care to be.
I struggled with leaving because it really has helped me more than any other organization.
The meetings I went to were very small, they chose to say the Lord's prayer at the end of every meeting
I couldn't see how this could be bad for me because
I was raised Christian from the get go
But as soon as the program helped heal me enough, I reconnected and with my higher power, Jesus Christ.
and about the same time I started to wake up to the conspiracies.
I started wondering about the triangle logo, with the circle sometimes inside or outside of it, sometimes the letters AA inside of it
I wondered if the letters AA were chosen specifically because it is equivalent to the number 11
For the 1st step we must say 'We are powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable'
This is contradictory to Jesus telling us that we do have power over unclean 'spirits'
Step 2 says we came to believe in a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Then I would hear buddha, female spirits, other people etc.
I didn't like hearing all these different higher powers, it seemed wrong, I'm sure it was opening a doorway to a belief that all paths lead to
heaven which is against my personal belief
There would be a number of books placed out in view for you to see, perhaps you wish to buy one, very expensive, most if not all have the triangle
logo placed somewhere on the front cover so all these triangles would be in sight.
I read elsewhere that six triangles is the 'land of spirits'
In AA you get colorful tokens for sobriety, they remind me of the kaballa tree
I noticed that the only happy, joyous and 'free' members were ones who were coupled up with other members,
Is it just a joke or is it really the 13th step?
I knew the 12 steps and traditions better than the 10 commandments
At the small meetings I went to, I was the only one who thought of these things. I'm not sure how much harm if any it could have if I stayed but I
could no longer in good conscience continue to go knowing these things.