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Sweden charges 5 teenage refugees with beating, gang-raping boy for over an hour

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posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:03 AM

Five asylum seekers, who arrived in Sweden as unaccompanied minors, have been charged with anally raping a young Afghan male teen at gunpoint in a premeditated assault in Uppsala

the gang surrounded and began hitting the victim, who was younger than 15 years of age, in the head and body, before putting a gun to his mouth and dragging him off to a nearby woodland.

The group spat on and taunted the victim, as each took turns anally raping the boy, with the described ordeal lasting “for more than an hour.”

As the assailants took turns, the onlookers filmed the anal penetration

the video “clearly” showed both the faces of the perpetrators, and the acts they were engaged in

All of the accused deny full culpability.
two more... ...claimed that their actions did not constitute rape.

In the face of claims that the wave of asylum seekers... responsible for an uptick in sexual assault crime, police specifically avoid keeping statistics of the ethnicity or citizenship of criminals


5 asylum seekers in Sweden, all of whom were "unaccompanied minors", attacked and took turns raping a younger boy. Despite them all doing so on video, they all deny full responsibility. Two of them even claim that what they did was not rape. This in and of itself is disturbing as it shows the completely carefree attitude that many migrants and refugees have towards sexual assault. These people are coming from societies and cultures where rape is considered acceptable under various circumstances - and in some places, actually considered to be the fault of the person being raped. Recently in Dubai, a woman was arrested after reporting to the police that she was gang-raped. Tourists to that area, particularly women, are now warned not to report rapes to the police lest they be arrested.
Of course, as is to be expected, the rates of sexual violence in Sweden have skyrocketed since Sweden began taking in these refugees and migrants to the point that the Swedish police now have to actively avoid keeping record of the ethnicity or citizenship of sex offenders.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: trollz

Wonder if ironically the victim would have been safer in Afghanistan!

PS. Watch the movie Scum, look at the investigation into child sex in the church and by the BBC folk. It's not limited to immigrants.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: trollz

Having the ability to make a long and difficult journey, yet unable to know what they're doing. One of these isn't true.

There is a need for a thread on the acting abilities of the criminals among the migrants. These acting abilities easily influence the volunteers and aid workers.

It brings to mind the way groups of British beggars will sit for hours practising the facial expressions of the most successful beggars. The stories are also carefully chosen for there effectiveness. As a young homeless hitch-hiker who'd had a particularly difficult few weeks I was surprised to find every time I told a driver what I'd been through they looked deeply concerned and gave me money. I was pleased to be able to move away from that story, but for others it would have been a meal-ticket, endlessly repeated.

Gullibility has reached epidemic proportions.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: trollz

"Carefree" attitude? No...from this incident to the hundreds of the same type attacks we're seeing wherever they've been allowed within borders of so many other countries, they and their actions are proving beyond a doubt to be inherently deficient of ANYTHING morally acceptable!

There's a whole string of descriptive words for them that fuel what should be actionable offences perpetuated by them: depraved, devient, perverted, degenerate, uncivilized...worthless...these and more. Are these behaviors 'learned", or inherited? Both, I think. Their sick, twisted attitudes come from deep inside them as they're very likely to have been cheering, supportive witnesses to scenes just like this. If they didn't KNOW what they did was wrong, why take the boy to a secluded place? They apparently had a crowd of supporters if they were being filmed and no one came to the boys defense. Why are these males so weak and depraved that they cannot CONTROL themselves and think they're above reproach? In that you stated that their culture claims their morally corrupt attitudes are condoned, and their actions acceptable in "certain cases" leads me to believe this stems from CENTURIES of sick mental and emotional behavior that seems to be embedded, supported and condoned in their culture. What's to be done about it? How many of these incidents, with the irreparable damage done to the object of their deranged cultural habits is it going to take before either they are actually FORCED to evolve to a point where they can be called civilized, or those around them become infected with the same attitudes?

I wonder if ANYTHING at all will be done to them to impress on their devient minds that what they think is fun and games and worse... acceptable, is NOT a part of being a civilized human? Probably not...a slap on the wrist, swept under the nearest rug and set loose to repeat their behaviour. As far as I'm concerned it should be Lobotomies for EVERYONE! Including those who are supposed to be law keepers, and politicians who won't even publicly recognize their crimes!

I get so tired if people pointing out that the same thing happens in other societies. NOT to the extent as shown in these "asylum seekers". A big point I see is the fact that if we already have a pile of steaming devients, WHY KEEP ADDING MORE?! Why keep taking that unforgivable chance? Even ONE more incident is too many, especially if UNREPORTED since officials keep telling people not to bother reporting, but just ignore, sit back and take it. I woulder if they want the victims to smile too...again, PROBABLY.
edit on 7-12-2016 by Rubicon3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 04:33 AM
Lemme guess...They are Muslims from the Middle East where this kind of thing is ok?

There's a reason they call these people Rapefugees.

Rape cases like this have exploded in European countries since they started taking these people in en masse.
edit on 7 12 16 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 04:38 AM
Just ugly, vomit inducing mind and soul!

6 participating, on tape! It can't be coincidental that all of them randomly came together and happened to be of the same mind and agreeable to the rape of a child of the same sex. Ya can't get 6 people to agree on the same television program ffs, what the hell! Not one tries to stop this at any time during this supposed hour?

They have to be stoned, that's it. Right near where it happened, send a message, that's it. Only option that they and others like minded will understand. Dragged the young victim off into a wooded area, really? This is a mindset, has to be dealt with and not by some pansy courtroom nonsense.

Just want to hang my head in sadness

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 05:10 AM
Bullet to the head !

Merkels open arms policy !

Stupid bitch

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 05:21 AM
Animals don't behave this way, these things have no souls.
Burn them.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 05:22 AM
Their government will probably try and play this off as an "isolated incident" and warn citizens not to form negative opinions on the rest of the refugees.

These are the people SJWs are defending, and pointing out that they are Muslim refugees makes you an islamaphobic racist.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
Lemme guess...They are Muslims from the Middle East where this kind of thing is ok?

There's a reason they call these people Rapefugees.

Rape cases like this have exploded in European countries since they started taking these people in en masse.

Yeah, I think European countries should take a stand and close up shop for their own good, even if just temporarily.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: Fisherr
Animals don't behave this way,

Yeah they do; look up dolphins and sea otters in particular.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: eNumbra

originally posted by: Fisherr
Animals don't behave this way,

Yeah they do; look up dolphins and sea otters in particular.

So your comparing these barbarians to Dolphins and sea otters.
What the Feck have dolphins and Sea Otters ever done to you???

On behalf of Dolphins and Sea Otters everywhere consider me triggered

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: Throes

originally posted by: projectvxn
Lemme guess...They are Muslims from the Middle East where this kind of thing is ok?

There's a reason they call these people Rapefugees.

Rape cases like this have exploded in European countries since they started taking these people in en masse.

Yeah, I think European countries should take a stand and close up shop for their own good, even if just temporarily.

That is the same thing Trump suggested we do in America to prevent things like this from happening here too and it was dismissed as hate speech and made him and his supporters xenophobic racists.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 07:08 AM
You all are deplorable!! This is just a cultural thing you don't understand, and are racist for your thoughts! It's part of the Muslim Middle East cultural values. It's ok, we must learn to allow this rich and thriving diversity to our own values. In America we have been trained that certain violent segments of our society, are based in culture. If we question it we're told we are horrible, judgmental racists.
I'm going to my safe place now for cookies and warm milk.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 07:15 AM
While Obama and the Hildebeast.condone these animals,the people said fk u we won't stand for barbarity here l.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: trollz

I wonder if it's because the Males in their culture are separated from Females whilst growing up?

They go to all boy and all girl schools in their homelands, don't they?

They also separate them when praying... so all these boys ever see are other boys!

Anyways this stuff never used to happen 20-25 years ago..

When I visited Sweden between 2000 and 2003, it was such a nice laid back place... no problems at all when I was there... last 10 years it seems to have gone badly downhill!

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: trollz

Their genitals should be slowly peeled away like an onion until there's nothing left, then salted and rinsed with lime juice - publicly, and broadcast on massive screens at refugee camps and on TV for the entire populace to see. Everytime something like this happens, that's what should happen.

They should then be monitored for life, and forced to never wear pants.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: trollz

There is only one way to deal with this: send them back to ISIS / Saudi controlled areas, and let they be judged by their religtion and law. We cannot do that - but down there where they came from, they surely can.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

originally posted by: eNumbra

originally posted by: Fisherr
Animals don't behave this way,

Yeah they do; look up dolphins and sea otters in particular.

So your comparing these barbarians to Dolphins and sea otters.
What the Feck have dolphins and Sea Otters ever done to you???

On behalf of Dolphins and Sea Otters everywhere consider me triggered

Luckily safe-spaces from dolphin and sea otter rape are easily found far inland.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 12:30 PM
Too bad they aren't going to be put to death, as should all rapists.

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