a reply to:
Well dude! Like I said people believe many things, all of it is just interpreted through your filter. All believes, religions, politics, ideologies,
its all just filters of data and information, just fragmented reshaping of various data that comes into your head.
Most of them are lousy ones at that, the ones your talking about being one such. But anyways, to answer your sort of questions. I dont know who lucy
is, may have to be specific. The whole good and evil thing may have been a mistake as well, you may want to filter out some of that. For instance,
not only may it just be random, but they could just be doing it because it sells.
Crom knows more then half the junk I see on TV or the net is something I let drop some odd year ago in some odd site or place, and even back then I
was bored of it. Basically none of it is original, if you see anything beyond that, its likely purely for entertainment purposes. The new King Kong
movie, sure it can mean and you can use such thing to disseminate all kinds of data or memes, but either way it is just entertainment.
I am quite sure that the whole underground dweller reptilian on the now new Kong island has more to do with more then a few writers sitting down and
saying to themselves "So how should we revamp kong island theme" Then likely one brilliant one had a thought of "Hey! I got a brilliant thought,
what if there is a giant gorilla and also some giant dinosaur types on this island, what else can there be that was not done before in the other
And presto bananas underground reptilian dwellers or devils is brought up to spice things up, and likely that ideas was fished from the down and depts
of the internet which was disposed of there by somebody who was tired of it to begin with. But anwyays on to the new Kong movie.
After all if you have a island were everything is more bigger and grander then the inhabitants of said island have to be more so, Kong may be king,
but that does not mean the other inhabitants of his island are slouches. Also I think there are giant dragonflys as well, everything is just bigger on
Kong island. Its basically what Texas wishes they could be, but can only dream of such epic proportions.
Dont know about sharia law or them Freemasons, here I thought they were just given permissions to lay bricks without the crown indictment and paying
royal fees to the crown, never knew everybody made a big deal about them. As for sharia law, as silly a thing as any I suppose and no doubt they to
have there believes and reasons, many other groups and people have killed each other over even more imaginary slights or stories, so its not a new
But I am quite sure they all and all groups have an equally wacky believe and filter as you or do. Basically it defines there realities.
Information and data can be digested and interpreted in many ways, your way is as valid as any i suppose. Though that does not say much. If you
interpret a movie as the purposed iteration of doom gloom and mystical shenanigans of some shadowy groups or individuals, it will be that. if you
interpret it as entertainment, well it will be that, at that.