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Proof of Tampering? Recount Observer: 5 of 9 Counting Machines in St. Croix Co WI Have Broken Seals

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+2 more 
posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 01:24 PM
There's not much to go with this. This was posted to the Jill Stein website here:

Five of the nine machines being used in the recount have tampered seals. Photos of two are attached. Photo of seal, followed by photo of serial number.

Here are two of the four images:


You can clearly see that the counting machines have been opened. The most obvious indication from the images is of course the damaged tamper seal over the screws. Less obvious are the signs of a missing stickers. Look closely at the second image above. Directly to the left of the serial number sticker, you'll see the outline of the rounded corners where the sticker once was, affixed to both the top and bottom of the unit's case.

The question is who opened the counting machines and why? Was it for servicing? What sort of servicing? If the manufacturer serviced the machines, why weren't the seals replaced? If not the manufacturer, then who?

Evidence of tampering?

Folks get caught up on miscalibrated touchscreens as proof of rigging despite the fact that a real effort to rig an election through tampering wouldn't be the sort of thing that would be readily apparent to voters.
edit on 2016-12-3 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 01:38 PM
Evidence of someone wanting to make it look like there was tampering.

Way to much obvious damage done for effect.

+8 more 
posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 01:40 PM
Isn't tampering supposed to be discrete?

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 01:43 PM
Oh this is how Trump did it.

He sent in cat burglars from the 1920's to open it with total disregard for the seal.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 01:48 PM
Aren't they now finding lots of uncounted Hillary votes?

My guess is someone from her team has added them between the official election count and the start of the re-count.

Or are you suggesting Trump's team has tampered with it and put those votes back in?

edit on 3/12/16 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

Can't exclude that as a possibility. I know I've carefully removed tamper seals on hardware to avoid voiding the warranty on a number of occasions and that's just to save a few hundred bucks if I bricked something. I'd assume anyone who was going to do something like tampering with firmware would be a bit more sophisticated.

Then again, it's not hard to imagine a scenario where an operative with access to the machines is given the equipment, payload and instructions and wouldn't need to be all that savvy.

Regardless, the fact that the seals are broken/missing is not at all confidence inspiring. If the tampering is superficial, that's still a criminal act. If there was no tampering and the missing seals are the result of legitimate servicing, it seems more than a little slipshod that there wouldn't be a new tamper seal of some sort.

None of these are good and with the worst case scenario being vote tampering, it's something that should be taken seriously.

+9 more 
posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:00 PM
Looks like more sensationalism from Jill Stein.

The broken seal is a factory warranty seal, not a vote seal.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

I'm not suggesting anything aside from the fact that it would appear that several machines have had their seals broken/removed.

It could be evidence of operatives from either "side" tampering with the machines or operatives from either "side" trying to give the impression that the machines have been tampered with or it could be the result of the machines having been serviced and a complete disregard for the importance of such seals.

The whole thing could be a hoax from a recount observer. It's impossible to do more than speculate from looking at a few pictures posted on Jill Stein's website.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

And Jill orchestrated this recount so what are you trying to point out exactly. I think you need to be a bit more specific.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Nice find on this OP. I'd have to agree with DenyArrogance, even a marginally competent operative with a can of WD-40 could remove the sticker residue and at least give the impression a seal might never have been affixed.

Personally, I think we can throw out "maintenance" having anything to do with this, no way the machine techs are this sloppy and I guarantee they carry a supply of replacement seals.

Considering the complete lack of tradecraft, I'd guess a butthurt dem with access to the machines fudged a few seals to "help the cause" by raising a few flags here.
edit on 3-12-2016 by Voiceofthemajority because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:16 PM

“It doesn’t matter what the legal and ethics people say, we need to win this thing.

-scott foval

after those okeefe videos of course we all have to be worried and vigilant.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Almost as disturbing as tampered seals is how amateur the seals themselves are. My god, you could probably have Kinko's run off a book of those in 20 minutes if you so desired. Even gas pump seals in my dinky little town have unique serial numbers and graphics to deter counterfeiting.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Surely when you post a thread, you are suggesting something?

Yet you are not.

Merely pointing out that the boxes have potentially been tampered with and we are to make up our own minds on why these boxes are showing signs of tampering?

As these pics have been posted by Jill Stein, who would never have the finger pointed at Hillary, it's all a bit embarrassing I feel.

If she is undertaking a re-count, then surely these things should show signs of being opened?

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:43 PM
The seal says "warranty" as the last word. So, Stein is very upset that they cannot get it repaired by the manufacturer since the warranty seal was broken from a machine assembled in the Philippians.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Obvious hoax is obvious.. try spreading your disinformation elsewhere


posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 04:18 PM
Snopes has just put up a page debunking this and for the first time that I can remember, their arguments actually make sense.

Green Bay Hackers - Snopes

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

We know Trump cheated and we know he got away with it

Just like Bush cheated and got away with it

expect the same kind of president only worse

They don't cheat for nothing

edit on 3-12-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: Voiceofthemajority

Imo, there should be a tamper-proof seal from some certifying body on all voting/counting devices.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: Voiceofthemajority

Thanks for pointing this out. The part that is the most interesting:

The site hosts a list of voting equipment used per municipality, [PDF] showing that although counties other than St. Croix used the ES&S brand of equipment listed, St. Croix used only Dominion and Sequoia products:

I think the Snopes verdict of "unproven" is fair. Jill Stein's team seems to be the original source and they should answer some questions. The obvious assumption is that it was reported by a volunteer through the campaign which means there should be a way for them to provide additional details to verify.

If her team is publishing disinformation to the website, then she should be called out for generating fake news.

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

looks like they are using those machines despite what the spreadsheet says, I've looked at the speadsheet as well. Looks like there was some doublecheck hand counting as well.

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