posted on Dec, 4 2016 @ 06:27 AM
Of course they will have to ban guns - for public safety of course - The hell with the Second Amendment and the right to
self-defense -
And if you live in public housing you have no self to defend - YOU BELONG TO THE STATE
The state owns all guns and is always there to protect you
- especially from yourself !!!
Back to smoking and the elimination of your rights and the Constitution which the state [especially so called Liberals] want
to eliminate.
Here is a book written by a famous alternative MD who has written many books on health cures, many of which are controversial but effective
- And yes he was a smoker [cigars] and just died recently at the age of 89, Under the First Ammendmnt [free speech] this book is still legal - give
the anti smoking, anti gun, anti Constitution control freaks [mostly liberals working for the
'common good, some would say Communists] enough time and money and this book will be banned [for 'the common good']:
"The Health Benefits of Tobacco: A Smoker's Paradox"
by Dr. William Douglass (Author)
The benefits of smoking tobacco have been common knowledge for centuries. From sharpening mental acuity to maintaining optimal weight, the relatively
small risks of smoking have always been outweighed by the substantial improvement to mental and physical health. Hysterical attacks on tobacco
notwithstanding, smokers always weigh the good against the bad and puff away or quit according to their personal preferences. Now the same
anti-tobacco medical establishment that has spent billions demonizing the pleasure of smoking is providing additional reasons to smoke. Did you know
that many of the countries the smoke the most, have the longest life span? This controversial books will have you thinking and talking for quite some
Not that I would suggest that anyone begin smoking if you don't - mainly becuase you will be on your way to becoming demonized by the state - the
statism that wants to legalize pot to keep the population stoned and docile - Tobacco often stimulates people to think - Thinking people are a problem
- harder to control !!!
Let 'them' continue - and soon Above Top Secret will also be baned - Stimulates thinking - A known threat to the common good