posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 12:05 PM
For 20 years i believed in alien life on other planets, i witnessed a UFO myself hovering over a chemical plant in 1999.I am also a christian believer
for roughly the same period & have had plenty experience of the Holy Spirit in my life and believe in the appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary at
places like Medjugorje etc."The Father has placed me on this mission of being a Mediatrix between God & man".
She appeared at Bayside USA (1970-94),sometimes with Jesus, there were miracles & other signs of the Divine presence there.Among topics covered was
that of UFO'S,a few quotes "UFO's as you call them are used by SATAN & his cohorts to confound & confuse mankind into believing there is alien life
in the universe,the only creation of the Father has already been given to you in the book of Love & life (bible).
We are now living through the period covered by the Book Of Revelations,These are the end times,"in this final battle because of the sins of mankind
there are now many agents of hell now loose on the earth".There is are natural world and the supernatural Heaven,Hell & Purgatory.
The Devil knows his time is now short and so when the Christian church is RAPTURED, news media will report to those left behind that a mass alien
abduction has occurred,in order to hide the Divine act from you.As surveys show that the majority of people believe that we have probably been visited
by other life forms it should'ent be a hard sell.
This and other subjects covering the end times can be found under the heading Directives on the shrine website The Warning &
Chastisements to come etc.As ever in a spiritual battle prayer is key,don't let the evil one fool mankind.
Regards John
PS as my internet time is limited i can't get on every day