posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:52 PM
VisionAndPsychosis.Net has published the solution to the 1961 alien abduction of Barney and Betty Hill.
I need help in confirming some of the details of this incident.
What I need will not be in any current on-line account. To help you must live in the area where the incident happened.
VisionAndPsychosis.Net... then link to the Hill Abduction page.
Demonstration Page allows you to experience habituation to extinction of threat movement in Subliminal Peripheral Vision, which is one of
the features of human physiology that allows the creation of a dissociative mental break.
I want a diagram of the Post Office and Barney's workstation there. Yes this is a forty four year-old situation.
The object is to establish that he did have exposure to the problem explored on my site.
I can respond here to questions but I am disabled and it may be several days between responses.
Other activities that produce the same dissociative/psychotic episode are
Kundalini Yoga and
Qi Gong. Each has a site page with links
to on-line information.
Everquest Connection page explains the simple psychology of what happens. You may remember that Shawn Woolley's mother sued Sony
believing that Everquest Addiction caused his suicide.
I am currently working on the Mark Barton Day Trader Shooting from 1999.
This is a long term project. There is no rush.
If you have other information email me from an email link on site.
L K Tucker
In McDonough Ga.