originally posted by: Bedlam
YOU FOOLS! This 'experiment' is obviously intended to see which of you has clairvoyance or precognition.
The ones of you who 'generate random ones and zeroes' that match the ones the program pre-selects will out themselves as having the Sight. And then
it'll be all white vans with no tags down the street for a bit, and the really good ones will show up on milk cartons.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Mwa ha ha ha ha!
So it has been a week since I successfully beat the "machine" and something most odd happened to me in line with your statement. I was reading the
local paper (a piece about flower pots going missing down near Mrs. Mulligans plot I believe), minding my own business, when all of a sudden I heard
a ratta-tat-tat at the door.
"who in blazes could it be at this hour?!" I exclaimed as I put the paper down, took a bite out of my crumpet and walked to the door.
Upon opening I saw a man, mid fifties with a bowler hat and a cane, dressed sharp in a black suit. He had the most impressive salt + pepper mustache
and beard, twirled finely at each end, with a pipe between the two.
"Hello Constant-thought, I need you to come with me - although I am sure you already knew this..." he said with a large draw on his pipe and a tip of
his head. Confused I looked at the man and told him to bugger off. I said that I don't want to be part of a ruddy pyramid scheme, I can't even put up
my flat pack shed let alone work on complex pyramid schematics. He raised up his cane and pushed the stub of it over my top lip (there was a piece of
gum on the end, but the intensity of the situation caused me to remain still and not mention its faintly minty aroma).
"1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0" he whispered.
"won not one, one won not nought one won?" I replied. "Codswallop, utter gibberish. You make no sense man! I have a crumpet waiting for me that is
getting to unbearably cool levels, leave me be before you step into a mess you can't clean off and I set the cats on you. Final warning." I sternly
stated with a cold look mixed with nausea.
And at that moment he crossed his eyes, tapped his cane thrice to the floor, took a large drag on his pipe and ran off behind the smoke cloud never to
be seen again.
A harrowing tale, as I am sure readers can imagine. I was shaken to my very core. What is even stranger though is that upon checking the CCTV footage
he wasn't a man in a suit with a trendy mustache and cane at all, he was a large badger covered in jam rummaging through my bins. One must remember
tinctures and the local paper is a feat best left to the experts!