a reply to:
You have some genuine grievances of course, IkNOwSTuff. You are not delusional by character.
However, where we seem to be at divergence, is how we perceive problems, and what our preferred solutions are to those issues.
It is also worth pointing out, that your country is not now, nor has it ever been, in danger of sliding out to the extreme left of ANYTHING! Do you
think that Unisex bathrooms and acceptance of LGBT rights is a swing to the left? Look at the corporatocracy that is your government, look at who it
does business with, how it does that business, look at its war. How can you fear a left wing shift, when the government you have been living under the
whole time I have been a member here, has been at war with Arab and North African nations? How can you fear a left wing shift, when the policies which
informed the War on Terror under Bush, are EXACTLY the same as the ones which inform the War on Terror now? How can you fear a left wing shift, when
corporations have been given the same power as individuals?
These are not things that a heavily left wing government would EVER consider! The trouble is that America has been propagandised at by the right for
years, such that Hillary, a stormtrooping death worshiper if I ever heard of one, is considered left wing... SHE IS NOT! She is in love with the
corporate world, but leftists hate the hell out of it, she panders to their needs like a child to the word of its mother, but a lefty would rather set
themselves on fire than listen to any word but the word of the people.
Now, Bernie Sanders on the other hand... what a guy. Sure, he had to fold to pressure in the end, and who knows what prompted that. But the fact is
that his policies were and always have been left leaning, which is why they are so damned GOOD! He wanted to educate the young without costing them
their lifes work in fees, he wanted everyone who has a job to be paid a living wage! He wanted the people producing the goods and services people buy,
to be given a greater share of the proceeds from those products, and for companies to absorb the cost of those raises, not the consumer (which as we
all know leads to inflation). HE is a left leaning political figure. He respects the needs and aspirations of the voiceless, the working poor, and
would have represented them to the hilt.
Also, your point about people on the right being seen as racists...
That is part of the problem, the division between people, which makes it easier to control the whole. It is legitimate to be right leaning, as long
as that means things like an understanding of personal responsibility (which does not mean what many people think it means), a desire to see the
second amendment upheld (which is absolutely legitimate and I applaud intensely), a wish for the government to stop spending money it does not have
(on things like war, intelligence infrastructure, privatisation of institutions which ought to be the sole purview of governments as an extension of
the will of the people), a wish for smaller government (meaning cheaper government), and to keep out of the affairs of people, and so on. However,
there are people on the right, many people on the right whose wrong think causes the entire mess to be seen wrongly by people. Whether we are talking
about Christian Conservatives (oxymoronic moniker if there ever was one), or Nazis dressed as patriots, but talking like traitors to the very
constitution which informed the creation of and the current format of America, THESE people have the loudest voices.
Another troublesome thing, is that despite the propensity of right leaning persons to suggest that failure to denounce the actions of certain people,
equals complicity in acts perpetrated by those people, you never EVER hear of a right wing militia being raised to kick the snot out of dyed in the
wool members of the Aryan Brotherhood, or the KKK, or any other clearly fascist group. You also rarely hear anyone complain about that state of
Hypocrisy is everywhere, all sides contain it. The problem is that no one seems to want to deal with that, on any side. We all seem perfectly happy
to allow our bias to affect the way we interrelate, the way we view things. Personally speaking, I am capable of entertaining a notion without
accepting it. While I entertain the notion when it is offered up, that right leaning people are all this, and all that, I know they are not, and I try
where I can to ensure that my rational mind speaks more often than my frustration, my reason more than my passion, because in reason is where common
ground can be found with other reasonable people, of all walks of life.