posted on Nov, 29 2016 @ 01:16 PM
I guess if there's a silver lining to be pointed out, it's that it could have been much worse in terms of local population size impacted.
There's been about, what 15,000 people evacuated so far, right? Which, as a side note here, is probably why the media, (albeit not crickety silent) is
lite on this in terms of general GAF, everyday Joes & Josephines don't give much of a F when even smaller ones than that burn.
One 2, 3, 4 and so forth times bigger could easily have also been steamrolled by Mother Nature, regardless of who/what actually started the inferno
car (she's the one driving it to the last ember) Even Ft McMurray wasn't too big for Mother Nature to unleash fiery fury on.
And there's been no deaths as far as I've read. That's something to be even more grateful for, no? Flora will regrow from the ash-enriched soil, fauna
will migrate back, buildings will be rebuilt.
People can't be replaced like that.