a reply to:
i think i figured the 4444 2 16 =DP +2 =18 =SAMAEL = Islam or could be 44 + 44 = 88
Really, these contradictions again.
well let me quote you again what you said on page 7 of this thread
as i said before....im not adding numbers up....its more of a direct translation
In another thread of yours you again said that you are not saying but asking if Muslims worship Baphomet.
a page or so ago I quoted things you have said which look very much like you are saying they do and not asking they do.
i know im right...and im trying to prove it to you people here on ATS...
So you are trying to prove something you have now at least twice claimed you are not and simply asking?
ok here goes.....WHY are muslims worshipping Hiram Abiff...and Baphomet.....any idea?
These are your words.
You are not asking if Muslims do worship Hiram Abiff or Baphomet you are asking why.
You make that pretty clear by capitalizing the 'WHY'.
do i have to be on medication to post the kind of threads that i do
One can only assume you are 'self medicating' or are in need of some sort prescribed medication.
How and why would one assume such things?
Numerous things you have said,
Certain important numbers that were given to you but you cant remember, hearing voicing, killing angels...... I could go on and on.
These things only solidify ones assumptions, I and I assume others got that impression that you are self medicating or in need or medication from
the OPs of your threads that are all about the same thing, your code.
i never said it is...i stated that it could very well be 911, i have been wondering if the code stops at 422 or it continues, what do you think?
You ask this after I post a video that one would assume indicates I have no clue what you are on about.
I have said that you contradict yourself but claiming you dont add anything up but are direct translations and then most of your posts filled with
numbers are being added and what not.
You keep on going about Baphomet when its been pointed out to you numerous times that it seems you haven't a clue about Baphomet and are simply saying
Baphomet = Devil because you have maybe watched toooooooo many youtube videos.
I dont know why I keep posting, I guess its like watching a train crash in slow motion, you simply cant turn away and need to see the carnage that
will come from the crash.
i rekon im talking sense
I rekon you think are, however, No one seems get the gist of your sense,
Just maybe because its nonsense.
If you could explain things more in detail instead of the vague posts with numbers and random images you might break through to someone.
Try not derailing your own thread, you know the last few pages of your thread has turned into some sort of proof that the Illuminati are real or what