posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:32 PM
Christmas was around long before Christianity (Don't believe me? Go read some history you ignoramus) . Christians stole Christmas, but that doesn't
mean they own it just like if you go to a bank and steal money, that doesn't mean you now own that money. It's stolen, it still belongs to the
original owner, you just have it now because you took it without asking.
These days Christmas is about buying gifts, getting drunk and stoned with your friends and family, things like that. Christianity has absolutely
nothing to do with it other than the fact that they stole it and think they now own it. Nobody I know is any religion yet everyone I know celebrates
Christmas. It's all about Santa and good times, happiness and all that.
When people say that saying Merry Christmas is offensive they seem like ignorant retards. It has nothing to do with Christianity. Saying Happy
Holidays is offensive though. Holiday is another word for "Holy Day" - which is religious.
Don't say Happy Holidays - it's offensive. People seem to have this concept completely backwards for some reason.. I don't get it.
Seasons greetings is okay though if you want to use something other than Merry Christmas.