I believe my journey with mental disorders was decided before I was born.
My sister was a caesarean section birth before me and as such I had to be a caesarean birth also.
This meant that neither of us had went through the birth canal and received our microbial immunity that comes with a natural birth.
The 1st sign of symptoms in my life came at the age of 5 when I had severe appendicitis, we now know that the appendix is actually a reservoir of good
bacteria that feeds the gut when the good bacteria becomes depleted in the gut.
So after my appendix was removed, I was always going to be losing the battle between good and evil within my own immune system.
I've always been a confident person so I could never understand why I was always under this veil of anxiety. I just learned to power through it and
that worked for a while until the panic attacks started occurring, then life changed for me. I was no longer confident and I then started to question
my own sanity.
I am a problem solver by nature, it's what I do for a job and I'm very good at it. I don't quit problems and I always with enough time, solve them.
So I had to work out what was going on.
I then started the paralysis of psychoanalysis.
I questioned every traumatic event to see if there was some subconscious fear that was manifesting these anxieties and forgave everyone who I had some
anger towards, which was liberating in itself but the anxiety disorders never decreased.
I then started to wonder if my poor western diet was manifesting the anxieties as a result of malnutrition of some type, this lead me on the journey
of learning about the chemicals processes of the body, the various minerals, vitamins, amino acids and learning about how these various processes work
around the body.
This again led me on a journey of knowledge that I could put to practical effect in my life to help others.
I created a thread a while back about me & my mother’s journey and how I have managed to get my mum from being in hospital several times a year and
had a dozen ailments to where she now only has 1 medication she now uses sporadically and eventually she will be off that also. But none of it helped
my anxiety disorder.
So at this point I was desperate, I had lost my job several times, was homeless and had reached my lowest point.
My circumstances meant that I was going to have £20 to last me for food for 2 weeks, so I started looking at water fasting for the 2 weeks & that way
I wouldn't need to spend money on food. I didn't make my family aware how bad my situation was as I had enough of being a burden. I had dark
thoughts at that time.
So I started my water fast and on the 3rd day when my body enter Ketosis, the veil of anxiety lifted and where I had a recurring fungal infection
called angular stomatitis, there was a white powder like substance. I also started peeing what looked like a white substance.
So at this point I knew my anxiety was physiological and not a mental disorder as I had believed.
I then found out that what I was experiencing was a die off of candida, the angular stomatitis never returned after that date and I had been plagued
by it for many years, so I knew my issues were being caused by Candida.
Anyway the anxiety returned not long after refeeding but I now had a target, how to rid myself of Candida. So I tried everything, vitamins, minerals,
diets, cleanses, you name it I tried it.
I then came up on the incredible and beautiful soul Dr Robert Morse. He has a youtube channel where he gets emails from the public and he goes
through each case and help them using his knowledge of herbs, he also creates strong herbal formulas for people to use.
In one of his many videos he talked about candida and how he had developed a very strong formula for removing worms, parasites, anything that
shouldn't be there is killed but the good bacteria aren't touched.
The formula is called Parasite M and you can buy it from one of his stores in the U.S and in the U.K he has a subpage on the Cotswolds juice retreat
It changed my life, I am no longer under the veil of anxieties and am the happiest I have been for over 20 years.
So here is what I've learned in my journey to healing my family and friends.
Everyone needs to boost their adrenals, a lot of my mother’s issues were a result of weak adrenal glands. If you don’t deal with stress get on the
adrenal glandulars.
She suffered high blood pressure, high anxiety all her life and then she started suffering low blood pressure, fatigue and lightheaded. She didn't
deal with stress well and also couldn't sleep unassisted.
So what was happening was that she would have low blood pressure in the morning and would have to go back to bed because of being a bit dizzy, she
would then get up mid-morning and continue fine throughout the day, then at night time she said her head would be racing and so without assistance she
couldn't get to sleep.
Your body produces cortisol from the adrenals, in the morning your cortisol levels are at their highest, this is to raise the blood pressure to get
the organs woken up and pumping, it should then decrease in level throughout the day and be at the lowest at night, so you can go to sleep. My mother
was experiencing the opposite of that and so her rising cortisol levels were too low and they would be at their highest at night time, causing her to
not feel sleepy.
As soon as we got her on pure adrenal glandulars all the symptoms she was suffering disappeared overnight and she was able to deal with the death of
her brother and having to be the executor of his estate, arranging the funeral, the full thing with ease.
On the 1st night of taking them, she had to go to her bed at 10pm and never needed to take a sleeping tablet again. She had been taking them almost
every night for 20 years.
I use Dr Morse's Adrenal 400 Glandulars, 1 twice a day. My friend has also been taking them and his wife says he is a different person, he's a very
busy company director and he is now dealing with stress like water off a ducks back.
edit on 24-11-2016 by mclarenmp4 because: (no reason
edit on 24-11-2016 by mclarenmp4 because: (no reason given)