a reply to:
well its a interesting theory you pose... but we don't know anything.. Even if there is visitations, the last 70 years, has pop up sooo many
explanations/thesis/theories that it is impossible for me too keep track off.. But it is an intriguing subject to speculate in.. i have zero ideas why
too come here actually, water? well there is a ton of that elsewhere without a population, minerals well you can find that everywhere in the universe
too, to harvest us, or the entire planet for biological mass, yeah that could be an idea.. to talk to us, hmm.. maybe.. but that alone will bring
problems.. we can't even communicate with whales (which have one of worlds most delicate langued ever studied), dolphins, cats and so on..
anyway, as i said its "fun" to speculate about, but we don't know squat.. adn i tend to agree with stephen hawking's, that we should really think
about not to broadcast back, if we find a signal, in the next 10-30 years.. I would assume, if there is an advance civ. out there in the milky way
galaxy, they could already know where we are.. and we might be studied through a "telescope", instead of coming here directly, its more safe, and less
costly in resources... thats my idea, but i could be wrong..
edit on 2-12-2016 by JoeHansen because: spelling errors and other
But if some of these ufo's are spacecraft from another civilizations, and some form of government (us, uk, un, nato etc.) knows, and might have one,
as many have said over the years, i hope that in my lifetime, they would open up, at let the public see it for themselves, and start a worldwide
serious study in the subject of visitations from other worlds, and of course the technologi that the ship (or ships) brings with it.. i am 33, so
there is still time for that
I just don't put my "faith" in that subject, to be brought to light, of the kinds like Tom Delonge etc.. its should be a world renowned scientist (on
top of my head) like Neil deGrasse Tyson or others.. but i could be wrong, and Tom would start "the disclosure"... But in the end, who the messenger
is, is really not that important for me. Just that the subject would be taking serious.
edit on 2-12-2016 by JoeHansen because: (no reason given)
edit on 2-12-2016 by JoeHansen because: spelling errors :-)