posted on Nov, 22 2016 @ 10:30 AM
I stealthily made my way through the woods, quiet and covertly,
Just yesterday a carefree life, today it's quite unworldly,
They're after me and I can see, that hiding is a must,
Be careful here, you silly dear, or soon you will be stuffed.
I broke away, I ran all day, I'm peeking through the trees,
Resting now, I don't know how, Oh wait . . I have to sneeze.
Too much noise, they've heard me now, and soon I will be plucked,
A simple feathered bird, who's just run out of luck.
I used to feel . .so perky . . .for a Turkey !
Now, just murky . . . kind of . . .jerky.
Happy Thanksgiving.