posted on Nov, 22 2016 @ 02:48 PM
I don't think we need a "new" investigation. What more needs to be uncovered?
That said, as much as I dislike Hillary, I'm starting to think that actually prosecuting her wouldn't be in our countries best interests. I don't
want to see us descend into a civil war, where California and New York try to secede, and we send in the army to force them to stay.
I'm hoping that what happened was, Trump has an agreement that the Clintons will take their money and stay out of sight & mind, so he can actually be
president without thugs like Soros trying to undermine him. Hopefully, the meetings with the media are to the same end: make them behave themselves,
so everyone doesn't spend the next four years being miserable. I think that would be an acceptable tradeoff.