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UNH Professors Call For Expulsion Of Trump supporters For Pro Trump Stance

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posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I'm already expecting the democrat party to reform into the New Age brown shirt party and start harrassing/threatening/ beating up people who disagree or won't support the party.

Coersion by any means neccissary.

edit on 21-11-2016 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

You are right and the media is going along with for the ride. But the alternate media, so far, can't be stopped. So we are getting the truth.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: seasonal

I just hope it doesn't get so bad to where people are openly making threats to kill one another in public because of political ties. I'm sure it won't but seeing how this is going, I don't have good feelings about this radical shift on the left.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:32 PM
I disagree with those ridiculous teachers.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

The fringe is upset on the left. I'm not talking about the students who show up with warm Starbucks and tweet their little riot.
The real threat are the people who yank people out of cars and beat them.

I just hope it doesn't get so bad to where people are openly making threats to kill one another in public because of political ties. I'm sure it won't but seeing how this is going, I don't have good feelings about this radical shift on the left.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: seasonal

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Time will tell until inauguration day. I had submitted a request to attend the event so I hope this stuff dies down. The worst part is I won't have anything to protect my wife and I but my fists and my wit.

Wish me luck if/when I do go.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

True, the anti-Trump people are loosing there minds. But I think it maybe short lived. Once it gets cold, that is when we will see how these rioters deal with winter.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:47 PM
Has this news been verified? There's so much BS news now. I haven't looked. But assuming it's true and they sent letters requesting the students be looked at or even expelled, are we sure there was no violence involved or threatening behaviours from the Trump supporters?

Ok so if the Trump supporters are only guilty of being Trump supporters and didn't try to stop the other protesters from protesting then it's a question whether it's legal to expel students on that basis. A lot of bad things can be said about Trump, but is he really so bad we can't allow our students to support him?

I didn't vote for Trump. I was ashamed of his behaviour on several occasions. I wrote posts here about how I felt he was a disgrace to the oval office. And yet because he's now the president-elect, I want to give him a chance. Keep in mind I've never been a strong republican or democrat voter. I've voted for both and I've voted independent too. In this election, I voted for Gary Johnson. What I find strange is I don't get as inflamed over Trump's victory. I've no desire to protest and sometimes I find myself liking aspects about him, despite not liking others. I can only think it's because I'm not a republican or a democrat that my feelings are more subdued.

Could it be that's all this is? The hard or progressive left is reacting to a Trump win? Trump himself, on some of his policies, is radical compared to past republicans. He wants to build a wall and possibly deport millions of undocumented. All muslims are--apparently--suspect and a muslim registry will track them. Immigrants from Syria shouldn't come here because of the threat of ISIS. These policies are opposite those on the progressive left, so the reactions we're seeing are like a chemistry demonstration.

So again is Trump so bad we can't allow our students to support him? I guess it depends on how many of us are progressive left? The more of us align with it, the more strongly we'll agree students shouldn't support him. In fact, if most of us were progressive left, Trump might have been disqualified before he ever got the republican nomination.

But what if most of our schools are progressive left?
edit on 11/21/2016 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: jonnywhite
Has this news been verified? There's so much bad news now. I haven't looked. But assuming it's true and they sent letters requesting the students be looked at or even expelled, are we sure there was no violence involved or threatening behaviours from the Trump supporters?

Ok so if the Trump supporters are only guilty of being Trump supporters and didn't try to stop the other protesters from protesting then it's a question whether it's legal to expel students on that basis. A lot of bad things can be said about Trump, but is he really so bad we can't allow our students to support him?

I didn't vote for Trump. I was ashamed of his behaviour on several occasions. I wrote posts here about how I felt he was a disgrace to the oval office. And yet because he's now the president-elect, I want to give him a chance. Keep in mind I've never been a strong republican or democrat voter. I've voted for both and I've voted independent too. In this election, I voted for Gary Johnson. What I find strange is I don't get as inflamed over Trump's victory. I've no desire to protest and sometimes I find myself liking aspects about him, despite not liking others. I can only think it's because I'm not a republican or a democrat that my feelings are more subdued.

Could it be that's all this is? The hard or progressive left is reacting to a Trump win? Trump himself, on some of his policies, is radical compared to past republicans. He wants to build a wall and possibly deport millions of undocumented. He also made comments about all muslims being suspect for their supposed connection to terrorism and not allowing immigrants from Syria to come here because of the threat of ISIS. These positions are opposite to those on the hard or progressive left. So the reactions we're seeing are like a explosive chemistry reaction.

The Right wing tries to Demonize people who disagree with them from a 'social' lens, so that if they have found you nonredeemable, in their opinion, so has 'society'. The Left wing is easily hated more, and it's because they try to get everyone to change their 'lens'.

The passive aggressive nature comes from the right, but it's obvious to see why, even if one of each side get a long, it's the one on the left creating enemies for the one on the right.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: imjack

If this is true, you would agree it would be horribly wrong to get expelled simply because of your political viewpoint no?

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: annoyedpharmacist
a reply to: imjack

If this is true, you would agree it would be horribly wrong to get expelled simply because of your political viewpoint no?

Were these kids old enough to vote?

If the answer is no, they should have been studying.

College? Yeah why not? Unless there is a better place to protest. The main gripe is protesters don't get anything done. Check out college, they might get expelled, but look, they also might get coverage for it.

Schools also have teachers and internet and government connections. It's the first place to 'get things done' for a lot of communities, in maybe more reasonable protest manners, because the order of operations is never ignored. It's not a court house, it's better, it's a bunch of smart people who can instantly have 'time off' to help your cause.

I suppose you could inspect the argument their protest would have no effect and was just crass, but that really comes down to how much they can blast the story.

In the end, school still gave them the opportunity.
edit on 21-11-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:05 PM
I thinking about starting a business in a couple years after the company I work for is eventually sold.

But I'm realizing that If I have to hire someone under the age of 30, I'm going to make it a requirement that they NOT have a college 'education'.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: imjack

Almost all college kids are 18 and up. Some may be 17 for a bit during freshman year depending on when their birthday is. So yeah, most can vote.

When I was in college most of the profs were left leaning, but I NEVER felt like they would grade my project differently, or investigate me, let alone ask to get me expelled based on my political beliefs. I cant even imagine the atmosphere on college campus for people on the right these days. They have to hide their beliefs, or be drummed out of school and have their lives ruined.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: annoyedpharmacist

Getting expelled for your political beliefs is a lot different than a protest, and their 'protest' was a lot different and very cringe compared to normal.

I went to College in Texas, trust me the atmosphere for the right is fine. My History book was not only incorrect and bias, along with my Biology books, the teachers defended the incorrect material as beautifully as Ron Paul.

This is college after all though, whats to stop someone from going full snowflake and filing 'assault' over having a pacifier thrown at them? Wearing masks on campus is probably already looked down on, college people hate crime not related to drugs. Not saying he couldn't wear a mask, just something about that makes it worse. Like he's hiding his identity because he knows what he's doing is wrong.
edit on 21-11-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:38 PM
"A faculty Member of the Women's Studies Program"

That's all I needed to read to understand the problem. My Ex took Women's Studies at Queens University, Kingston while getting her BA in Sociology (an education I paid for). Every Wednesday night when I went to pick her up after class she would be angry, abusive and literally hating me all the way home. . It cost me a relationship and my Ex a diploma as I refused to pay after she dumped me. Whatever it is they teach in that course is so anti-male, feminazi, hateful and deplorable that I can't adequately describe it

Needless to say any professor that would teach such a polarizing and destructive class isn't worth the effort to listen to and their opinion on anything is the anti-thesis of mine PERIOD.

/Rant off

She got her BA I wouldn't pay for her follow-on studies.
edit on 11/21/2016 by Kukri because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Christosterone

Yeah because a couple of English professors are indicative of all liberals. I'd say there's nothing particularly liberal about them. They certainly aren't acting like any of the liberals I personally know.

But hey, don't let that stop you from talking a bunch of smack.

The silent majority is once again asserting itself against the liberal elite and it terrifies them as it threatens their depraved march towards their amoral communist utopia...

The "silent majority" isn't an actual thing, it's a meme created to make people feel like they're part of a consensus of "real Americans" despite a lack of evidence of this being the actual case.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

The "silent majority" isn't an actual thing, it's a meme created to make people feel like they're part of a consensus of "real Americans" despite a lack of evidence of this being the actual case.

lol of course it is not an actual thing.......(does this member know that hillary lost yet?)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 01:54 PM
I really hope someone is keeping a comprehensive list of all these losers for the looming garbage day purge.

edit on 21-11-2016 by IronBoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: annoyedpharmacist
When I was in college most of the profs were left leaning, but I NEVER felt like they would grade my project differently, or investigate me, let alone ask to get me expelled based on my political beliefs. I cant even imagine the atmosphere on college campus for people on the right these days. They have to hide their beliefs, or be drummed out of school and have their lives ruined.

I was 37 when I went to college. They had a mandatory meeting in the Student Union for all incoming students. You went, checked in and were handed a name tag that you had to wear for the first day. Nobody told me that the name tags were color coded. Mine was blue, which meant that I was a veteran. My first class was an English class. I noticed that the instructor kept looking at me funny. When the class ended he asked me to stay behind. I was told that he didn't like the military and if I left and didn't return to class he would make sure that I got a "C". If I came to class he said that he would fail me. Of course I made every class, did every assignment and aced every test. I told him the last week of class "Fail me and I'll go to your Department Head and file a complaint. She already thinks that you are an ass."

Your remark about having to hide your beliefs is dead on, except it is not only on a college campus, it is sometimes at your place of employment, some of the clubs that you may belong to, your place of worship and other places. I think that is why the media missed the mark so much. People just went along in public. It was only on the privacy of the voting booth that they stated their belief.

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