posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 05:49 PM
This is gonna be a lengthy one so please bear with me.
A lot of you know me on here. I like to think of myself as being level headed, I can be humorous and like to joke around, but I always try to find a
logical explanation for things. But i dont know what the heck can be the rational reasoning behind last night.
Last night we had one heck of a snow storm. The winds were easily over 80 km/hr. Visibility was zero due to snow and sleet, during wind gusts.
We live out in the country side, about 10 minutes outside of town. Earlier in the day at around 3 pm we went to town to pick up our kids from school.
The weather was horrible already, but we had to go into town to grab the kids.
Carefully we drove and navigated the ice covered streets, picked up the kids, stopped for an early dinner and decided to hit up a walmart to grab a
few things before heading back home.
Its about 7pm at this time. The weather seemed much worse. The roads in the city were slippery but still navigable.
As soon as we got onto the country road, it was apparent that this storm was hitting up full force. It was pitch black out asides from my cars
It was stupid to be outside in this storm, so I drove slow with my hazards on. At times we had to stop dead in road due to total white outs.
About 1 km up the road we notice that no houses had any lights on.
We went around a corner and in the middle of the road is tree bits everywhere and to the immediate right is a tree on the power lines.
After about 30 minutes, we made the usual 10 minute drive home. Sure enough no lights on.
I pointed the car towards the house and instructed the family to each grab a bag and bring it to the house.
We have been using the back door due to reno's in the front.
So the wife and 3 kids made their way to the back of the house with the aid of my high-beams in the drive way.
Once they were in, my wife flashed the cell phone through the bay window in the front, signaling they are in. I turned off the car and made my way to
the house. Tree branches were breaking due to the high winds. As mentioned it was pitch black outside.
I pressed the remote car lock on and off so the car lights would flash, providing some illumination while I made my way through the snow drifts and
into the house.
Once inside, it was apparent the hydro had been out for awhile. It was about 15 degrees Celsius in the house.
Thankfully we have a wood stove also.
We had the kids sit on the couch with a flash light. The wife lit a few candles in the living room and grabbed the dog to bring him outside for a pee,
and I grabbed the wood bucket to go to the shed to get a fire started in the woodstove.
I used the cell phone flash light app to find my way to the wood shed, the wife stood in the middle of the back yard with the dog while he did his
As im in the shed grabbing wood and filling the bucket I faintly hear my wife scream over the howling wind " WTF "
At first I thought she was yelling because she fell over or something, then she screamed my name.
I came out of the shed and she started screaming "Did you see that, did you effin see that"
I had no idea what she was talking about, I started making my way over to her. The snow blue so hard that I lost visibility of her for a brief moment
and I dropped the cell phone in the snow. I took the 10 steps to get to her and she was screaming "The sky just lit up blue above the house, the
ground, everything turned blue then white."
I looked to the back window of the house and the kids were screaming. We ran into the house.
The kids were crying and screaming "what was that, what happened" They were freaking out.
They said something was outside our window, and everything in the house turned blue.
I was dumbfounded, I didnt know what to think because I didnt see anything.
My wife and kids were going ape spit.
Then the only way i can explain it, it was like a light came through the window and instantly flashed from red to green than nothing.
I was more confused than anything and said WTF just happened I said out loud.
My 12,9 and 8 year old were all crying, screaming I want to go, my wife was flipping out and I just stood there, almost in disbelief.
I started asking my wife what did the blue light look like, describe it. Could it have been someone with a flare, or a roman candle, ect.
My wife yelled to me, " I dont know what it was, but the first thing i thought was a UFO and it was the end of the world."
This knocked me back. My wife makes fun of me for being on this site, she dismisses anything ufo or alien related.
She is not a believer what so ever and makes fun of me for being so.
I tried calming everyone down and said it must have been lightening, or something caused by the storm. ( I personally have never seen lightening in a
snow storm. But I have seen a lot of snow storms living in Northern Canada. Then I said it must have been a transformer blowing up.
I asked my 12 year old, what exactly did you see.
She was crying and holding on to me saying a bright blue light was at the window, the house turned blue then white. The candles got really big and the
cats freaked out.
Just as she said it, the room went bright from another window on the opposite side of the house. We all turned towards the window, but it was gone.
Again every one was freaking out. I tried to calm them all and said sit on the couch, ill get a fire going quick.
My wife stood in front of the big bay window, watching to see if it happened again.
I think about 10 minutes went by. The fire was going, then my wife said, There it is again, out over the trees.
I stood up and got to the window to take a look. I couldnt see a thing. She said she knew it was over the trees because the flash lit up the sky and
the tree line. All I could see was total darkness.
I dont know how long we stood there watching, but suddenly i snapped out of it and looked around.
My living room was filled with smoke.
I panicked and yelled for everyone to get to the back of the house.
The wife and kids went to the back door. I opened the wood stove door and messed around with the fire and told the wife to crack the back door to let
the smoke out.
I had everything under control, after about 5 minutes with the door open the smoke was cleared.
We all sat on the couch, trying to get warm.
The laptop had juice in it so I put on a movie to watch while we waited for the hydro to come back on.
After calling the hydro company they told us that it wouldn't be restored till 6pm tomorrow (today)
Great, its going to be one hell of a cold night.
The kids slept in the living room, while the wife and I slept in our bedroom. I set my alarm on my ipad to go off every couple of hours so I could
keep the fire going.
We kept watch out the windows seeing if it happened again - but it didnt.
To be continued