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Baltic fish too toxic for the EU: WWF

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posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 04:46 AM
What the heck is the world coming to when it's not even safe to eat the fish out of the oceans?
They're saying that the fish in certain areas of the Baltic sea are so contaminated with chemicals that they are too toxic to sell in the EU.

According to the report, about 31 kilograms (68 pounds) of harmful polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, were dumped into the semi-enclosed Baltic in the late 1980s and early 1990s alone, accumulating in fish and contaminating the entire food-chain.

Fatty fish are especially prone to storing chemicals found in their environment and often do not comply with EU requirements for dioxins.

In 1995, Swedish authorities for instance went so far as to recommend that women of childbearing age limit their intake of Baltic herring and salmon due to the risk posed by their often high content levels of toxic substances like furans, dioxins and PCBs.

The level of brominated flame retardants, PBDEs, found in herring is 50 times higher in the Baltic Sea than in the Atlantic, according to the WWF, which points out that predators that eat Baltic fish also tend to have much higher levels of toxins like polybrominated biphenyls, PBBs, in their bodies.

The only hope is to continue efforts towards tough regulation to clean the environment.
Maybe someday we can undo much of the damage people have done to the environment.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:58 PM
The fish are already cleaning up the environment for you. Each one that is pulled out and discarded takes a little bit out of the ocean with it. The only catch is helping the fish species survive the dirty work...



posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
What the heck is the world coming to when it's not even safe to eat the fish out of the oceans?
You should know better, "superpowers" have dumped lot of toxics to oceans, Soviets even sinked lot of old nuclear reactors and other radioactive junk to oceans.

And when it comes to big corporations... neither they give crap about environment unless they're "pointed with guns".
For example ships continuously dump oily waste waters to seas instead of bringing it to ports.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by E_T
For example ships continuously dump oily waste waters to seas instead of bringing it to ports.

This actually happened just a couple of days ago in Denmark. About 2000 birds died...

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:09 AM
After doing a report / paper on Red Tides for an oceanography course I took in University, I'll never eat shell fish or any other type of mollusk from our oceans as long as I live or at least as long as man lives on the coast and keeps dumping raw sewage & chemicals into the ocean. Your just asking to get poisoned!
NEVER AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NEVER give an infant, or toddler, or young child shell fish (oysters, clams, lobster, crab, etc) . you will physical damage them, poison them, even cause brain damage. If I had a scanner & could find the paper I would post it.


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