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If China, Russia Create New World Order, Philippines 'Will Be First to Join'

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posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 05:29 AM

Philippines is ready to join a new world order, should it be established by Russia and China, President Rodrigo Duterte said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Philippines could follow in Russia's footsteps by withdrawing from the International Criminal Court (ICC) and join a new world order if it were established by Russia and China, President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday. "If China and Russia will decide to create a new order, I will be the first to join," Duterte said in remarks broadcast by CNN Philippines. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order Wednesday pulling Russia’s participation from the ICC’s Rome Statute, saying the decision was in line with the country’s interest.

The horse's mouth.

It seems we now have a choice of New World Orders. The President of the Philippines, who has actually encouraged domestic terrorism in the form of anti-drug vigilantism, and who is waging a brutal war against Islamic guerillas, is looking forward to joining forces with Russia and China to create a world free of international accountability for war crimes.

What is most troubling about this new world order is that it so closely resembles the new world order that arose after the war of 1914-18. In their search for personal identity and economic stability, people in many nations are turning to nationalism and strongmen. Borders that had been stable are being redrawn, with military conquest being justified by historical claims or "ethnic protection."

Russia has been nibbling away at its neighbors, Turkey has been eyeing a slice of Syria, China is building islands in the Pacific to stretch its borders, Russia and Japan still haven't definitively concluded the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05... and don't get me started on the Arctic Ocean.

The countries that were born of the collapse of the Russian, Ottoman, and particularly, Austro-Hungarian empires are still struggling to find a their political identities. Most, like Hungary, are seeing a rise in nationalism that might eventually blossom into revanchism. Hungarians would probably support an attempt to regain Transylvania from Romania.

This is not doom porn. As a student of history, I find the current trends alarming. Here's hoping that the global economy begins to mend, so that the pressure gets reduced.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:06 AM
Is it any surprise when the main things the west offers these days are increasing taxes , wars for profit , prisions for profit , corporate interests put ahead of citizens needs ,government spying on citizens , government eroding citizens rights and freedom for "security" , political correctness gone wild , rampant corruption , protests and rioting over elections .

Cant say I dont blame them looking elsewhere for stability to live their lives in peace .

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: VengefulGhost

The problem is that states like Russia and China put the needs of the state before the needs of the people. Despite a profusion of small parties in Russia, it, like China, is a one party state with all the real power consolidated centrally. Furthermore, as the international system begins to break down, there has been an increase in military adventurism, including on the part of the United States and European nations. Just as in the early decades of the last century, war is becoming an appealing solution to domestic problems.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Germans Oppose Ukraine Joining NATO

Ukrainians divided over NATO membership - poll

Otan (as in Wotan) needs to be dissolved. It's hard to imagine Den Haag prosecuting ALL warcriminals with 'exceptional' nations ignoring justice and mil-ind complexes rattling their sabres, desperately searching for new conflicts to embrace.

And yet all you see is Russians nibbling away neighbours. Err... right. Spin away!

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Otan (as in Wotan) needs to be dissolved. It's hard to imagine Den Haag prosecuting ALL warcriminals with 'exceptional' nations ignoring justice and mil-ind complexes rattling their sabres, desperately searching for new conflicts to embrace.

NATO may be thee only thing holding Europe together at the moment. Russia would certainly like to see it dissolved so that it can operate freely. The nice thing about Europe is that its citizens can openly disagree with their government. We have seen what happens in Russia and China when they do.

And yet all you see is Russians nibbling away neighbours. Err... right. Spin away!

I specifically mentioned that both the United States and European governments have recently been engaging in military adventurism, and yet you cannot admit that Russia has too. Who is the one who is spinning here?

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: DJW001

The problem is that states like Russia and China put the needs of the state before the needs of the people.
The US does the same thing and calls it National Security except for when its in some other place half way around the world then its called US interests .

China rising and Russia holding its own ,both looking to invest in countries close to them is or should be the normal .I guess the notion of a new world order and The New World order are two different things .No one wants a One world order unless it respects other Countries decisions . We are in post Colonialism and shifting to a new status quo . What that will end up looking like is anyone guess but economically the Russian China Asian axis will be much bigger the the Wests . I say that because the West is in decline while the Eurasian one is emerging with lots and lots of moneys exchanging hands .

It will be interesting to see how the EU tries to stay relative to the rest of the world while sliding into a political quagmire with new thoughts about the relationships with the rest of the world . The Brexit was only a small tremor and the big one is sure to follow .Being on the New Silk Road is not a bad decision to make .Other then weapons out of the US its going to have a made in China or Mexico sticker on it . Or maybe a made by a Mexican sticker ....time will show and tell .

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

The US does the same thing and calls it National Security except for when its in some other place half way around the world then its called US interests .

The United States and EU do not put the needs of the state first. They try to allow individuals as much freedom to make their own choices and way in society as possible. The state functions to safeguard this ability. In countries like Russia and China, the state does not hesitate to punish individuals who do not conform to the state's expectations.

China rising and Russia holding its own ,both looking to invest in countries close to them is or should be the normal .I guess the notion of a new world order and The New World order are two different things .No one wants a One world order unless it respects other Countries decisions . We are in post Colonialism and shifting to a new status quo . What that will end up looking like is anyone guess but economically the Russian China Asian axis will be much bigger the the Wests . I say that because the West is in decline while the Eurasian one is emerging with lots and lots of moneys exchanging hands .

We are in an era of neo-colonialism. China is cultivating client states in Africa; Russia is doubling down on Central and Western Asia. Eventually the neo-colonial powers will brush up against one another and we will see Russia, China, and Iran competing for the same real estate, as well as the United States and Europe.

edit on 17-11-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:55 AM
Is this a Pro-Russia , Pro ChiCom ,Pro- Phillipines , Anti - US , Anti-West, Anti-NWO , Pro NWO , or all the above thread. I am confused.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Is this a Pro-Russia , Pro ChiCom ,Pro- Phillipines , Anti - US , Anti-West, Anti-NWO , Pro NWO , or all the above thread. I am confused.

Why must everything be all one-sided? It is what the contributors make it. It's called "freedom of speech." We still have that in some countries.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: DJW001

originally posted by: Gothmog
Is this a Pro-Russia , Pro ChiCom ,Pro- Phillipines , Anti - US , Anti-West, Anti-NWO , Pro NWO , or all the above thread. I am confused.

Why must everything be all one-sided? It is what the contributors make it. It's called "freedom of speech." We still have that in some countries.

So , this is just one of those all-encompassing threads ? Left up to us to speak what we will ? No input or opinion from the OP ?
I understand now

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: DJW001

originally posted by: Gothmog
Is this a Pro-Russia , Pro ChiCom ,Pro- Phillipines , Anti - US , Anti-West, Anti-NWO , Pro NWO , or all the above thread. I am confused.

Why must everything be all one-sided? It is what the contributors make it. It's called "freedom of speech." We still have that in some countries.

So , this is just one of those all-encompassing threads ? Left up to us to speak what we will ? No input or opinion from the OP ?
I understand now

I think I have been expressing myself very clearly. I have been comparing the global situation to the one in Europe on the eve of the War of 1938-45.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: DJW001

But, this has been the argument for years from the so called "Protagonists" against the USA interference since.....forever...actually the late 1700s. The USA Always sticks its nose in other peoples business where its not needed.
And actually caused most of the problems being experienced. There is No reason why the USA should be involved in anything in the middle East or Asia, being its so far away. Clean up your own problems first before you inflict more on the rest of the World. Ol Bin Laden made it Quite clear in the 1990s, his "War" was against the USA's Continual interference and meddling in Mid East affairs. When the USA stops meddling, he said, he will stop antagonising......well we know how that turned out.

If the USA kept to itself, the World would be a much safer and happier place for all.
Even my British Colony in the antipodes, built a fort, bunkers and giant cannon on the coast, in the 1850s because they feared an invasion from the USA......or Russia.....Yes true still exists too.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: DJW001

The globalists pooed the scrootch with their attempted New World Order and global economy. It might have worked out if they had followed the rules. As power consolidates they must still look after the standard of living of their citizenry in order to create a long term tax base for them to exploit and keep the masses pacified. Nope, instead they were like kids in a World Wide Candy Store and exploited and frankly enslaved populations in developing countries while neglecting and then exploiting in turn the working and middle class in first world countries. Hoarding wealth until economies are beginning to collapse. So now they must shrink their borders, and their populations are seeking psychological and social stability in reasserting a national identity.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: DJW001

You can have that the moment Russia and China start to wage wars for freedom and democracy, preferably in the Mid East. What's there to admit in the South Chinese Sea which others didn't do themselves? And how is supporting the people, on which the Ukrainian oligarchy wages war with it's 'Anti Terror Operation', not the only sane thing to do?

Den Haag was a great idea after all. But now it's too late to give freedom, justice and democracy some legitimacy with the prosecution of Blair, Bush and the likes. Instead of whining about two rising superpowers taking their seat at the international table, I'd suggest a re-evaluation of those values which had us win the Cold War in the first place. We could keep them in check pretty easy if the western moral high ground wouldn't turn out to be a deep pit full of lobbyist snakes.

It's the people, who are the glue in this EU, not this warmongering Otan dorks. They actually oppose this new sabre rattling and you could see that for yourself in various polls. Meh, I would vote for Willy Brandt if I could. Sadly, our gubbermints have been hijacked by neoliberal crooks like Muddi Merkel and there isn't a real alternative in sight. Yet.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: DJW001

The United States and EU do not put the needs of the state first. They try to allow individuals as much freedom to make their own choices and way in society as possible. The state functions to safeguard this ability. In countries like Russia and China, the state does not hesitate to punish individuals who do not conform to the state's expectations.
That right there is a inverted lie . The US incarcerates more then any other country on the face of the earth . The US has covert and overt torture places . All of the States have differing state laws to benefit the States . We have the same BS in Canada with Free Trade agreements with other countries while cross provincial trade is restricted .I wonder if maybe its the people ,the citizens that are the ones being restricted . And we could go into things like foreign workers programs that are not about the citizens but about the State/Province and the Corporations .

The Tax exempt and lack of taxes collected by big companies is incredible . Back room deals with large Oil/Mining companies while skirting environment laws and neglecting the people in communities that just don't want that business operating in their communities is a daily thing . Secret trade deals worked out behind closed doors and secret to the people and their state laws is incredible .

We in the west are only given the elusion of what you claim to be the case .These shifty politicians/lawyers/lobbyist work none stop and its not about the people but about power control and money .end of story .

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Russia has pulled out of the International Criminal Court (ICC) due to Putin's fear that he/mates will end up being dragged there because of their actions in Crimea and Syria.

The OP's source "Sputnik" is a propaganda mouthpiece of Russia. Sputnik wrongly interprets Rodrigo Duterte's quote, in that he was talking about the ICC rather than the New World Order per se. This basic inaccuracy is parroted by the OP.

Duterte is sensitive to criticism from some nations of his rather brutal war on drugs that has left several thousand addicts and dealers dead. He too has threatened to leave the ICC, perhaps worried that the law will catch up with him too.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

You can have that the moment Russia and China start to wage wars for freedom and democracy, preferably in the Mid East.

Newsflash: Russia is fighting a war in the Middle East "to uphold the democratically elected government."

What's there to admit in the South Chinese Sea which others didn't do themselves?

All the other nations of the world respect international waters. China rejects the Law of the Sea.

And how is supporting the people, on which the Ukrainian oligarchy wages war with it's 'Anti Terror Operation', not the only sane thing to do?

That's two wars for democratic and humanitarian purposes in a single post. I won't even point out that the rhetoric is a lie; it's still a violation of Westphalian principles, making Russia no better than the US.

Den Haag was a great idea after all. But now it's too late to give freedom, justice and democracy some legitimacy with the prosecution of Blair, Bush and the likes. Instead of whining about two rising superpowers taking their seat at the international table, I'd suggest a re-evaluation of those values which had us win the Cold War in the first place. We could keep them in check pretty easy if the western moral high ground wouldn't turn out to be a deep pit full of lobbyist snakes. .

Just so were clear, the United States does not recognize the authority of the ICC either, making it just as bad as Russia and the Philippines. It also makes Kerry a hypocrite

It's the people, who are the glue in this EU, not this warmongering Otan dorks. They actually oppose this new sabre rattling and you could see that for yourself in various polls. Meh, I would vote for Willy Brandt if I could. Sadly, our gubbermints have been hijacked by neoliberal crooks like Muddi Merkel and there isn't a real alternative in sight. Yet.

Buzz buzz. NATO may be the only thing standing between you and being forced to learn Russian, like a previous generation of Germans.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: DJW001

Russia and Japan still haven't definitively concluded the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05...

As a self proclaimed student of history I would expect you'd better know the history of this conflict.

USSR as was previously agreed with allies started the war against Japan near the end of WW2.

Quoting English wikipedia

As agreed with the Allies at the Tehran Conference in November 1943 and the Yalta Conference in February 1945, the Soviet Union entered World War II's Pacific Theater within three months of the end of the war in Europe. The invasion began on 9 August 1945, exactly three months after the German surrender on May 8 (9 May, 0:43 Moscow time). Although the commencement of the invasion fell between the American atomic bombings of Hiroshima, on 6 August, and only hours before the Nagasaki attack on 9 August, the timing of the invasion had been planned well in advance and was determined by the timing of the agreements at Tehran and Yalta, the long term buildup of Soviet forces in the Far East since Tehran, and the date of the German surrender some three months earlier; on August 3, Marshal Vasilevsky reported to Premier Joseph Stalin that, if necessary, he could attack on the morning of 5 August.

Strangely, although admitting this fact the whole article is still called "Soviet invasion of Manchuria" as if this was some kind of voluntary aggression and not an act of keeping the agreement with western allies.

USSR "WAR CRIMES" according to that article

Many Japanese settlers committed mass suicide as the Soviet army approached. Mothers were forced to kill their own children before killing or being killed themselves. The Japanese army often took part in the killings of its civilians. The commander of the 5th Japanese Army, General Shimizu, commented that "each nation lives and dies by its own laws." Wounded Japanese soldiers who were incapable of moving on their own were often left to die as the army retreated.

Well, following traditional Japanese Bushido war code is somehow described as USSR (Russian) war crimes.

Now, you are right that Russia and Japan have unsettled territorial claims, but this situation is not from the first Russo-Japanese war. And second it is hardly a new issue in the relations between the countries. It was not a secret for anyone in the USSR that officially there was not a signed peace treaty between USSR and Japan after ww2. This situation didn't appeared with Putin.

On the other hand I agree with you that Turkey under Erdogan is definitely looking to redraw borders, they are eyeing some parts of Syria and may be Iraq too. But this is NATO problem, well we remember how Greece and Turkey happily living together, why not Turkey and smaller Iraq and smaller Syria if all of them would become part of enlarged american protectorate NATO.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: kitzik

Thank you for your attention to detail. Have a star.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: DJW001

Thank you.

I may just keep wondering why you keep mentioning "Westphalian principles" as sacred. So called Westphalian principles historically is anachronism. They were violated numerous times since 1648.

From 1945-1991 de facto there was Yalta system. From 1991 onwards american hegemony warped with resurrected Westphalian
principles as a fig leaf. Be realist, american japanese popular political writer Fukuyama called it " The end of history".

Now it is visually crumbling. O'k, so what, why again recalling Westphalian system which is even not a part of USA history and was proclaimed before USA existed. You are not a true american patriot

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