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YAWN-Another Trump Supported Beat Down for Wearing Trump HAT-At a Student Protest March

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posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:29 AM
An anti-Trump march of about 200 students beat a teen wearing a Trump hat. Very short story I how to see more info soon.

Looks like a wrong place wrong time situation.

A march of students in Rockville, Maryland, protesting the election of Donald Trump to the presidency turned violent on Wednesday morning as a teenager wearing one of the Trump campaigns "Make American Great Again" hats was beaten.

WASHINGTON – A march of students in Rockville, Maryland, protesting the election of Donald Trump to the presidency turned violent on Wednesday morning as a teenager wearing a Trump hat was beaten.

Hundreds of students from Richard Montgomery High School were marching near the Rockville courthouse on Maryland Avenue in a protest that began at about 10 a.m. when a 15-year-old boy wearing one of the Trump campaign’s “Make American Great Again” hats was “beaten down, to be honest,” by about four students.

The student was taken away in an ambulance. WTOP’s Nick Iannelli reports that he wasn’t seriously hurt. No one has been arrested yet, but police officers are talking with witnesses.

There’s a large police presence around the protest, but there were no further problems. The students returned to the school’s football field at about 11:30 a.m.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: seasonal

So the school let them out to March? Sounds like they weren't doing a very good job of keeping up with their students. And why was he marching with them if he is pro-Trump?

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:34 AM
Waiting on the defenders to show up......I am sure it was all a misunderstanding and they were only trying to help him up *sarcasm off*

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: seasonal

The intolerant Alt-Left strikes again.

Ironic for a group that is protesting "hate, anger and bigotry" to go around beating people for their ideology.

Or just effecting public transit for everyone including people who voted Hillary.

Yet no one is out yelling at the DNC for ousting Bernie and colluding with the media to prop up Trump.

edit on 16-11-2016 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Martin75

With liberals, all are welcome, til they are not.

And why was he marching with them if he is pro-Trump?

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:35 AM
Wrong place at the wrong time?
How about just wrong?

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Martin75
a reply to: seasonal

So the school let them out to March? Sounds like they weren't doing a very good job of keeping up with their students. And why was he marching with them if he is pro-Trump?

I'm not sure I follow he not allowed to have a dissenting point of view?

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Freedom ain't free. I hope the people who did this get some time to cool their heels in a state funded facility.

Wrong place at the wrong time? How about just wrong?

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Darkphoenix77

Sure but if I'm Pro-Trump I'm not going to march with the anti-Trump crowd....that's just stupid.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Martin75
a reply to: Darkphoenix77

Sure but if I'm Pro-Trump I'm not going to march with the anti-Trump crowd....that's just stupid.

On that point I do does not seem like a common sense kind of thing to no way however does it excuse the outcome.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Martin75

Sure but if I'm Pro-Trump I'm not going to march with the anti-Trump crowd....that's just stupid.

Come on these are KIDS, highschool KIDS. What harm can they do? March for freedom.

The story doesn't say that he was part of the march, he could have "got got".

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: seasonal

These hats are no good.

Traded mine in for the "Make America Great Again" riot gun.

No issues so far.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:44 AM
What's up with the callus word "YAWN" in your thread title ??????

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Urantia1111

HA Ha Ha, chuckle, problems, I think lead "trumps" apple 7's and mt Starbucks coffee cups.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: SaloonSal

What's up with the callus word "YAWN" in your thread title ??????

I approached this like I am HRC. Why care, she has her secret service detail. No problems for her, she should stay quiet and watch the fire works.
edit on 16-11-2016 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: Martin75
a reply to: seasonal

. And why was he marching with them if he is pro-Trump?

So that this thread can exist and every pro trump will have an anti liberal insight.

Go Trump. Make America great again.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

It is too bad that liberals riot like this. If they could not through a childish hissy fit, when ever someone does not agree with them.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 01:56 PM
Hmmm it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt.

This will go on until they encounter some with a CCW license, then of course the media will make the victim the bad guy.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

That very scenario is very serious. And I hope this silliness stops.

The person with the concealed permit is well with in their right to use lethal force to protect themselves and theirs.
I don't think the people doing the beating in the horrible videos are taking into account the possibility of a concealed weapon coming out and killing a couple of these clowns.

Then what happens......

This will go on until they encounter some with a CCW license, then of course the media will make the victim the bad guy.

edit on 16-11-2016 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: seasonal

If the scenario ever plays out.....GOOD!

Put them down like the animals they are.

And it will be one less violent scumbag society has to worry about.

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