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The identity of the Devil

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posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:26 AM
As the supposed New World Order begins to crumble perhaps the identity of the Devil behind that might become more commonly known, namely Habbaby;

A striking case of cultural and verbal continuity is provided by an incantation against a much-feared demon possessing horns and tail(s). In Ugaritic he is referred to as Hby bcl qrnm w-dnb "Haby, possessor of two horns and a tail".

In Eblaite his name is reduplicated to Habhaby and he is characterized by a pair of horns of the moon and tail(s) of the sun. Then he appears twice in the O. T.: Isaiah (26: 20) warns us to take cover in the innermost chamber until Haby departs; Habakkuk 3: 4 mentions the demon as hebyon (with the suffix -on added to haby) and preserves a reference to his horns

A proper Devil then complete with horns and tale, and a very ancient one recorded over 4,000 years ago at Ebla and Ugarit, as to why this name is not more commonly known is that perhaps it was too scary to mention, or that it suggests he was the Tutelary Demon of the Habiru.

Habbaby at Ebla was correspondent to the Hurrian Hedammu which i looked at in terms of Ancient origins of the New World Order, we see there that those Proto-Hebraic Eblaites were at that point in line with Hurrian tradition and Habbaby/Hedammu was considered bound;

"I have bound Habhaby. I have bound his tongue. I have found the barrier of his teeth. I have bound you on a black stone by the double doors and struck the Sea (tihamatim) with a reed. I have bound you by seven mighty contraptions. I have bound you by the zidanu and amana. I have bound you by the tails of the Sun and by the horns of the Moon.

Seven youths and seven maidens are exalted, and [...] the Star (kabkabu). The bricklayer will lay the bricks by the double doors of Ellil, father of the gods and the Star has established him as representative to Ellil, father of the gods. Ellil, the father of the gods performs the magic. Spell of the Star. [...] I have bound you on Zazaum, O no-good one. [...] O Sun-god! May you lay the bricks and build the house of Ellil the father of the gods. [...] The Star is appointed as the emissary to Ellil the father of the gods. [...]

The earth has confined the serpent (bashanu); O serpent in the sea (ba-tihamat)! [...] So says the magician Dagama [to the serpent]: 'I have smitten thee'. [...] May Hadd fetch the dazzling stone and the triple-garment for the Star [who was appointed to induce Ellil to perform the magic]".

I considered the earlier exploits of Habbaby in that narrative and the Hurrian as relating to Byblos being seen as the host of evil, a renegade outside force which was subdued, but it is that black stone in the underworld from which the next challenge emerges, that of Ullikummi who attaches himself to the World Order

As i suggested then with Habbaby as the Tutelary Demon of roving bands of Habiru that killed, robbed and raided, it was the case that if you had seen an Habiru you had seen Habbaby, the way that works, and unfortunately with the destruction of Ebla over the issue of debt slavery they became as Habiru, were Hebab, that is to say the Devil, marches with the Yahwists out of Sinai

Of course once the Hebrews had subverted, destroyed, and occupied Canaan they were technically no longer Habiru and no longer behaving like Hababby, expect in their relationship toward other Nations, were they insisted on being considered apart.

There was a wide-spread people called the 'Apiru in the Near East during the second millennium B. C. Our documentation concerning them is particularly rich during the Amarna and Ramesside Ages (15th-12th centuries B. C.). In the Amarna tablets they appear as marauding outsiders who were wresting Canaanite areas from Egypt's sphere of influence.

In the Nuzi tablets (in the same Amarna Period), the 'Apiru appear as outsiders entering into voluntary slavery in the households of established native

This recalls the slave status of the Jews in Egypt, as well as the institution of the 'ebed 'ibri "Hebrew slave" who can be held only until the sabbatical year whereupon he must be set free unless he elects, of his own free will, to become an 'ebed 'olam "a permanent slave

It seems to have been the case that following the destruction of Ebla those proto-Hebrews themselves often were forced into debt slavery, i'm not sure they learnt their lesson from this however, though they retained an interest in the cause of the outsider, if only as a means to subversion.

Hattusilis's documents unearthed at Ugarit provide us with a new approach to Israel's kindness to the run-away slave and other fugitives from oppression. It appears to be a characteristic of the 'Apiru (of which the Hebrews were a part).

Ebal, Ugarit and the Old Testament

It would have been with this sort of historical background in mind that Jesus would have considered the Father of the Jews the Devil, or Habbaby, given that the whole Yahwist abstraction was nothing more than a criminal front, and made the case that his Father was El Shaddai, the pre-Yahwist Tutelary Deity of Israel, or more properly relating back to the period of Ebla when they had a proper religion, that then an identity issue relevant only to the Hebrew.

It would have been a good idea if at that point they had normalized their religious practise, rather than using Christianity as a reverse exploit were the Indo-Europeans become Yahwists/Deists/Atheists, because it isn't that great an idea to continue personifying the evil of the Kumarbi epic, which involves the destruction of all religion and if it had not been stopped the world...but history will record we defeated the Devil.

edit on Kpm1130318vAmerica/ChicagoMonday1430 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:44 AM
This is a very interesting thread I will take more time to look at this later. Interestingly a cursory internet search does not give any direct results. The Nearest is Habhab which is the name of a settlement in Fujairah in the UAE which sits at the mouth of an ancient trade route which may have been a cultural conduit between the Indus and proto-Aramaic civilisations. The research you have done must have taken some considerable effort on your part. I am wondering if the seven youths and seven maidens is an allegorical reference to the days of the week or some sort of astronomical allusion. It could of course refer to something more earthly such as a mountain range. There is a range of mountains near to Habhab and the trade route passed through them.
edit on 14-11-2016 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2016 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

Yes no Wiki on any of this, there would have been settlements named after Hebab that had been associated with Habiru, and as far as the seven youths and maidens go in origin the Anatolian Heptad, were they are associate with the seven streams of consciousness that can relate to the planetary bodies of the ecliptic plane, or the seven maidens of the Pleiades, or the seven warriors of Ursa Major, in general the sum totality of spiritual archetype.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt


for my Little Horn

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:09 PM
Devil have new name now, its called the terrorist.

You fools. Think!

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Pandaram

Sorry the same old, Islam was founded upon Habiru principles.. by a bandit.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:33 PM
Dont know what bollox you chatin about.
Devilsm is used by lot of evil religions to rule ppl and make ppl to kill and rob other people stuff.
Now they use terrorist. Same old tactics but different names.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Pandaram

You're obviously an Indian so lets consider something you might be familiar with, say the Thugee;

Although the Thugs traced their origin to seven Muslim tribes, Hindus appear to have been associated with them at an early period. They were first mentioned in Ẓiyā-ud-Dīn Baranī's History of Fīrūz Shāh, dated around 1356.

So what you might think commonplace has actually spread and developed over time, the basis of the case i made for the origins of this dates back 4,000 years, and that was only the start of the latest chapter, you're not going to find any older tradition.

As far as it's the blooming terrorists then of course intimidation and destabilization has always been a tactic, the case i make is for the overall contextual narrative and appropriate mythological framework, otherwise known as bollox to you in your somewhat limited manner of expression and attempted terrorism...

edit on Kpm1130318vAmerica/ChicagoMonday1430 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 02:24 PM
In fact hindusim is actually a collection of many many religions. Our Saivam is the one being oldest.
Never heard of thugee. May be some north indian bollox.
edit on 14-11-2016 by Pandaram because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Pandaram

I don''t think the Tamil adaptation of Siva has much to do with the Devil or the personification of evil, i'm sure you're not suggesting it does but that is the subject of this thread.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: Pandaram

Thuggees, a Sanskrit word meaning concealment, were an organized gang of professional assassins – sometimes described as the world's first mafia – who operated from the 13th to the 19th centuries in India. Members of the fanatical religious group, who were infamous for their ritualistic assassinations carried out in the name of the Hindu Goddess Kali, were known as Thugs, a word that passed into common English during the British occupation of India. Thuggees worked by joining groups of travellers and gaining their trust before surprising them in the night and typically strangling them with a handkerchief or noose, a quick and quiet method, which left no blood and required no special weapons. They would then rob their victim and bury them carefully.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: Pandaram
Dont know what bollox you chatin about.
Devilsm is used by lot of evil religions to rule ppl and make ppl to kill and rob other people stuff.
Now they use terrorist. Same old tactics but different names.

What are you afraid of? The light of truth?

Wake up!

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 04:34 AM
This is a good informational post Kantz. I enjoyed reading it.

For me, the Devil is what people hide inside of themselves daily.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: LadyButterfly

Perhaps, but here's an interesting aspect of the mythos regarding the binding of Habbhaby which i quoted;

Seven youths and seven maidens are exalted, and [...] the Star (kabkabu). The bricklayer will lay the bricks by the double doors of Ellil, father of the gods and the Star has established him as representative to Ellil, father of the gods. Ellil, the father of the gods performs the magic. Spell of the Star. [...] I have bound you on Zazaum, O no-good one. [...] O Sun-god! May you lay the bricks and build the house of Ellil the father of the gods. [...] The Star is appointed as the emissary to Ellil the father of the gods. [...]

Semitic Studies

The translator has translated Kabkabu simply as star, because kb-kb was NW Semitic for star but i think rather the Spell Kabkabu more properly relates to a volcano of that name within the Habur triangle;

Much more appropriate then i think to understand that Haby has been bound within a volcano and that those were seen as that place from which stars are born and return to die, the primeval fire, it would make for a dramatic scenario anyway, were Kawkab volcano becomes the equivalent of Mount Doom in the Land of Mordor....

Kawkab is a volcano in Northeast Syria. It is 534m high and overlooks Hassakah city. There are two basaltic cones in the volcanic field. The second cone is located in the foreground, lower than the main cone(400m).

After the binding Habbaby does go on to escape and the black stone takes on the form of an ever increasing basalt stele corresponding to the New World Order, which does sort of confirm volcanoes were involved in the symbolism, and battle is currently raging at Mount Kawkab...

edit on Kam1130325vAmerica/ChicagoMonday2130 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Thank you i will check it out. I'm finding this information to be of great interest, and one i haven't heard before.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: LadyButterfly

The main issue appears to have been the establishment of currency trading standards leading on to debt slavery as i covered in The Song of Release, so a particular basis for evil to arise.

Ebla's economy is well regulated. Silver, weighed out in minas and shekels, is used as currency (1 mina = 60 shekels).

The value of silver is controlled through an official exchange rate for gold.

Ebla merchants, travelling with wagons pulled by oxen, take their goods through much of the Middle East. Fabrics play a large part in the local economy. The taxes from one outlying district, sent to Ebla, include 'linen fabrics, top-quality fabrics, best quality multi-coloured dresses, sashes and tassels, hosiery'.

Some of the tablets record money transactions with the thoroughness of any modern receipt. 'Paid, 56 minas and 20 shekels of silver (i.e. 3380 shekels) for 5790 bales of wool at 1 shekel of silver for 3 bales, and 5800 bales of wool at 1 shekel of silver for 4 bales.' The mathematics will be found to be exact.

History of Ebla

edit on Kam1130325vAmerica/ChicagoMonday2130 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 07:58 AM
Kantz, you have outdone yourself again.

Maybe soon the volcano erupts and leaves a huge "Lake of fire".
Thus signalling multi-cultural and religious references.

Very interesting read!

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Thanks for that, good stuff i'll be reading it soon.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 06:31 AM
There's a paper here which addresses the singular issue of what the term Hby meant, and concludes that it meant The Babbler, which i think is correct.

The consideration is from an Ugaritic myth which was also the basis for the curious story of Noah getting drunk and his three sons seeing his disgrace, but in the Ugaritic it is El that gets drunk and gives rise to the babbler;

This offers a different perspective then, evil arises when El gets drunk and wallows in his own filth, were El becomes the babbler, rather than some cunningly contrived master plan a natural consequence, he hasn't been consigned into the underworld he's descended there himself.

The etymology of the Ugaritic term hby is unknown. However, given the well-known correlation between geminate and final weak verbs in Semitic, it is possible to relate the term hby to the onomatopoeic root hbb "murmur, babble." The root appears in Akkadian as hbb where it is used in reference to the indistinct sounds of water, people, and animals.

Though the root hbb is not attested in Ugaritic (with one possible exception), it does occur in an Aramaic letter from Hermopolis in reference to a river (i. e., a"babbling brook"), and possibly in Arabic.

Thus, the comparative linguistic evidence demonstrates that the semantic range of hbb/hby suggests indistinct vocal or natural sounds.

If this etymology is accepted, we may treat the term hby in the Ugaritic passage as an epithet meaning "the Babbler"

Such an epithet fits well the context of the passage which tells of El slipping into a drunken stupor

It has to be said though that even when drunk the machinations of El are staggeringly complex, and were this babbling brook relates to the stream of Divine consciousness carries through into the behaviour of humanity.

edit on Kam1130327vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday2330 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2016 @ 12:07 PM
Muslims In My Neighborhood Sell Me Pork Everyday. Bacon... mmmm.
While They Cook It.... We Talk. They Call Me hby-b (Habibi).
Thanks Kantzveldt. I Think I'm Go Fight For My Honor.
BTW: My Name Is Michael.

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