a reply to:
Sorry I got caught up posting a rather long post about the "Female Stranger" grave in Alexandria, Va!
If you want to call Bannon out on what he did with Breitbart, fine. But then to be fair you must also call out every democrat for associating
with the mainstream liberal press that has slandered, demeaned and fear mongered about white people, straights, religious people, men and many other
I had to mull this over for a while. It's a difficult topic to debate because a lot of it will come down to perception. As I said earlier, I believe
the approach to Trump supporters in the media and by the Dems, particularly the Clinton campaign and of course Clinton herself, was definitely biased
toward painting far far too many as "deplorables."
many people, I'm sure that only reinforced what they'd suspected all along. They knew it too and you could see it in the reversal many in
the media did not days after the election but within mere MINUTES of it becoming clear that Trump had won.
However, I don't see it as part of some ongoing open season on whites, straights and Christians so much as unfair ridicule of people supporting Trump.
my perception. I'm a straight white male (atheist though raised Catholic and married to a Catholic) and
I certainly don't have
any self-hatred.
I do see people in the media, particular pundits, who do say some things that I take offense to but that comes from all sides. I find Giuliani to be
offensive as hell for instance. I also find it repulsive when I hear the CRT drones in interviews discussing all the rules for protesting and "safe
spaces." I really find most all conversation about "cultural appropriation" to be ridiculous, unrealistic and unnecessarily divisive.
As far as Breitbart and Bannon go, my opinion is that it's a unique case in that Breitbart is deliberately polemic. That was a strategy and Bannon
owns it. Whether or not he is really the antisemitic asshole his wife made him out to be during their divorce and regardless of how much of the
editorial decisions were about attracting an audience or an expression of his own ideology, that's the direction he plotted long ago.
Nobody made him say that Breitbart was the "home of the alt-right." It wasn't a lamentation, it wasn't something he wished wasn't the case, it wasn't
something that he tolerated for ad revenue — he reveled in it.
If you want to compare a similar person and appointment in the Obama administration, I'd be interested to know about it. Maybe I'm ignoring something?
Hell, maybe I'm wrong about everything. It's been a long damn election and the post election hasn't been a whole helluva lot better thus far.
edit on 2016-11-15 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)