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Bernie Sanders Op-Ed in the NY Times

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posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 11:41 AM
Bernie Sanders Op Ed - NY times

Very well written piece by Bernie in my opinion. It's his take on what happened in the election.

Millions of Americans registered a protest vote on Tuesday, expressing their fierce opposition to an economic and political system that puts wealthy and corporate interests over their own. I strongly supported Hillary Clinton, campaigned hard on her behalf, and believed she was the right choice on Election Day.

But Donald J. Trump won the White House because his campaign rhetoric successfully tapped into a very real and justified anger, an anger that many traditional Democrats feel. I am saddened, but not surprised, by the outcome. It is no shock to me that millions of people who voted for Mr. Trump did so because they are sick and tired of the economic, political and media status quo.

Well worth reading in my opinion. Enjoy!

edit on 11/12/2016 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 11:46 AM
The main reason I voted Trump ... was because the media _kept_ lying to our faces.

I liked the clip you posted. Off to read the rest.

ETA: Nope . nope

Can't get behind the Bernie thing. I am so glad Hillary pulled the rug out from under him now. Had the DNC not played their dirtiest tricks on him, he might be the President Elect instead of Donald Trump.

The United States is a Republic ... not a Socialist State.
edit on 12112016 by Snarl because: ETA

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

It is well worth reading...

President-elect Trump is right: The American people want change. But what kind of change will he be offering them? Will he have the courage to stand up to the most powerful people in this country who are responsible for the economic pain that so many working families feel, or will he turn the anger of the majority against minorities, immigrants, the poor and the helpless?

Very well worth it!

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 11:49 AM
But no explicit call to end the violence.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: loam
But no explicit call to end the violence.

I am not sure Sanders, is the one that needs to call of hill dogs hell hounds; they never listened to a word he had to say!

Where is hilleys call to end the protests / riots.

Oh ya, she is making fake photo ops of a serene walk in the woods, really wtf!
edit on 12-11-2016 by AlaskanDad because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: loam

He has no power over any of that.

He has made it very clear in times past, he is not there to tell American people what to do, but here to do as they tell him. He is not the boss of them, and would not be even were he President, which makes him the only person who ran this year who was worth a God damn.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

That's his crew, and Soros' Paid Riot Squads out there making the most noise (if there's actually much of a difference between the two yet remains to be seen).

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:15 PM
I do firmly believe that had Bernie run he would be heading for the Whitehouse, my conspiracy head is "almost" saying was it planned for Trump to win to then fund the Liberal left groups to divide the nation???..

The elite must know the average Joe will have access to non MSM reporting, was it a rouse in saying Hillary was unstoppable, that a Trump supporting vote had no chance. Did it push people to vote Trump as a "We will show you".. I say all this a bit tongue in check but how was it allowed to be reported so wrong, the earliest announcement in history for a Hillary win they said. It could not have been further from the truth, had you written a script for a movie it would get rejected as being to far fetched...

A majority of ATS members could say it was probably nearer a 60-70% chance of a Trump win, yet the pollsters said otherwise.. I also noticed a number of vocal Hillary supporters have been absent on ATS since....

I personally think the US population or at least those with any sense just wanted change it just happened their best bet was a Trump vote....


posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Bull #. Whether he, or others like the President, HRC, Biden, Warren, etc...have any actual power to stop the violence or not, they have a responsibility to persuade peaceful opposition nonetheless. If the logic that such calls would not be meaningful from any of them, then I don't expect to hear from any of you, them, or others, that Trump should do the same because of the handful of knuckle draggers stirring # from the right.

While I don't agree with many of Sander's positions, there were some I did agree with and could have possibly even been persuaded to vote for him had he won the nomination. But he's exposed himself to be a feckless leader, as all of the rest.

Until leaders step up and start owning the problem of the growing divide in this country, very little will prevent us from crossing into the abyss. That's bad for everyone...this nation...the world.

edit on 12-11-2016 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: slider1982
I do firmly believe that had Bernie run he would be heading for the Whitehouse, my conspiracy head is "almost" saying was it planned for Trump to win to then fund the Liberal left groups to divide the nation???..

The elite must know the average Joe will have access to non MSM reporting, was it a rouse in saying Hillary was unstoppable, that a Trump supporting vote had no chance. Did it push people to vote Trump as a "We will show you".. I say all this a bit tongue in check but how was it allowed to be reported so wrong, the earliest announcement in history for a Hillary win they said. It could not have been further from the truth, had you written a script for a movie it would get rejected as being to far fetched...

A majority of ATS members could say it was probably nearer a 60-70% chance of a Trump win, yet the pollsters said otherwise.. I also noticed a number of vocal Hillary supporters have been absent on ATS since....

I personally think the US population or at least those with any sense just wanted change it just happened their best bet was a Trump vote....


Anything is possible when you look at the level of corruption, not just ruling the US, but the WORLD! One thing for sure? The globalist want to end ALL nation state sovereignty and to do that,those of us who want our elected officials to rule over us versus an elite kleptocratic, power hungry bunch of psychopaths hell bent on their power trips, we have one hell of a hard road ahead of us! Especially when so many useful idiots who are doing the dirty work to aid those they should despise?

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: loam

....he is not there to tell American people what to do, but here to do as they tell him. He is not the boss of them, and would not be even were he President, which makes him the only person who ran this year who was worth a God damn.

And I want to take a moment to address this point. That's not leadership. In fact, it's what we've had in this country for more than two decades. Pick and choose your constituency and don't dare challenge any of the vacuous, wrongheaded logic for implementation for fear you will loose their support.

Democratically elected leaders are chosen to implement goals and objectives. And of them, the true leaders- GREAT LEADERS- are the ones who educate and persuade and negotiate a path forward to accomplish those ends.

Advocating what you suggest is the precise reason why so many live in their political bubbles and echo chambers devoid of any sense of reality. It's the reason politics is broken in this country and elsewhere.

People need to wake the hell up.
edit on 12-11-2016 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

The United States is a Republic ... not a Socialist State.

Eh? d'you not just mean it isn't a socialist republic.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: seeker1963


And the kleptocracts and globalists are winning.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: smurfy
Eh? d'you not just mean it isn't a socialist republic.

Some people have no idea what such basic terms really mean. E.g., it's quite common for American citizens to think that 'republic' and 'democracy' are antonyms (I bet there are examples of this findable on ATS).

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 02:59 PM
This letter is ok, but as far as I am concerned Bernie has lost al credibility. His major message was how the corporate elites have set up rigged system to steal wealth from the rest of the country. He was cheated out of the primary. So instead of taking up Jill Stein on her offer to run as the head of the Green party, ar do any other number of things, he backed the same candidate that the very people he hated backed.

Now he wants us to ignore that and go back to focusing on the working people. Guess what Bernie, you did everything in your power to elect the very person who would have helped those elites you hat more than anyone! You crapped on your entire movement, and guess what, you did it for no reason.

And as always, whose supporters are exhibiting the most violence? Bernies. And will he tell these people to stop it? Nope.

He had his chance to do something great, and he failed, he backed the very corporate structure that he rallied so hard against. So he can go back to his empty platitudes about helping the working man, but when the stakes were highest, he threw them under the bus.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Well said!

I wouldn't change a single word.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Always trying to blame Sanders for the violence against trump, lol's!!!

As for your post, a few simple questions for you;

Do you not think Bernie Sanders was legally bound by contract with the DNC stating he could not run against the chosen nominee and that he would campaign for the nominee?

I know it was stated early in the primaries that trump had such an agreement with the RNC.

With Sanders networth would you want to go to court against the DNC on a major contract violation? I think that would have been his financial ruin.

edit on 12-11-2016 by AlaskanDad because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: AlaskanDad

Did you pull that out of your backside? Show me evidence of a written enforceable contract that would have imposed such legal liability.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: loam

Does common sense elude you?

You may remember Trump was called on his contract by the RNC, when he threatened to go rogue and run as an independent.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 03:55 PM
A recent tweet from Bernie Sanders:

Our job is to deal with the real issues – to deal with our rigged political and economic system – not take our anger out on our neighbors.

edit on 12-11-2016 by AlaskanDad because: (no reason given)

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