posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 03:50 PM
Well I for one think it is fantastic news...let's replace the word hate with manipulation of opinion.
That is what the Daily Mail amongst others seek to do, curry peoples favour to their world view, they don't necessary report the truth, so for a
company to say "I no longer wish to be aligned with this." can only be a positive.
Let's face it don't we spend every day complaining about how bias the media is?!
Oh and just for the record, yes actually there are papers such as the one named above who aren't exactly coming from a cute and fluffy perspective
with regards to various issues, immigration being one.
Daily Mail can print what it likes, doesn't mean people are going to read it, however in turn companies are wasting their money advertising with them
if the general public don't read,they loose the revenue...paper folds.
That's the extreme scenario, papers such as the Mail have a's up to them if they choose wisely.