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Tactics for educating or counter-arguing with Anti-Trump SJWs

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posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 11:48 PM
Hi All I thought I'd put together a few dot points with advice on how to deal with SJWs and the Anti-Trump crowd. I will write a counter balance arguments for Hillary later Feel free to add your own.

Education and logic are our greatest resources when talking to friends, family and neighbours who are hysterical at the idea of Trump as President. Not everyone feels comfortable in talking about their support of the new President, especially when some of the anti-Trump crowd have shown themselves to be violent and can snap - even at women or elderly people, if their mind set is challenged. I think the main point in this is that the Media and social engineering that has taken place over the last few decades have made us feel unable to voice our opinions lest they be shouted down as "racist" "sexist" "homophobic" - even when they clearly aren't. It is therefore important to not be beaten down by the SJWs into believing that your opinion doesn't matter or that your viewpoint is necessarily wrong. The ancient Greeks believed that anyone should be able to express their viewpoint as long as they cite facts and they do not resort to emotion or personal attacks. As soon as a SJW resorts to name calling or foul language - call them out on it "swearing and personal attacks only discredit your argument". If they continue to resort to swearing or personal attacks say "You're being too emotional. I will only debate rational and calm people" and shut it down walk away. Our goal is not to upset the anti-Trumps or work them into a frenzy but to show them how controlled they are by the MSM. How the world isn't going to end and everything's okay.

* Trumps Wall is racist and ridiculous

It is not racist to secure the borders of your country. Almost every country in the world has a secure border with check points with the exception of active war zones and third world countries. Canada has a secured border with America - how is that not racist but America wanting to secure its border with Mexico is?

* Why would America want to secure their porous border with Mexico?

Cartels are ruling Mexico. These are criminal empires who have waged bloody turf wars with the Mexican government, the Police and other rival gangs. The porous border allows them to easily run drugs across to America. The cartels also profit from human trafficking. In most cases the cartels approach poor rural Mexicans claiming to be from charities that run orphanages and schools in America. The desperate parents hand over their little kids in the hopes that they will have a better life away from the violence of the cartels. These kids are smuggled into America and forced into a life of sexual slavery and prostitution. Having a secure border with checkpoints provides more opportunities for officials to catch the drugs before they cross into Small Town USA, to arrest any human trafficker and reunite children to their parents.

49 dismembered bodies dumped on highway by cartel

The crimes that the Mexican cartels commit are brutal. In 2012 a truck stopped on a Mexican highway and dumped its load of rotting dismembered corpses. This is a horrific example of the audacity of the cartels who openly flout that they run Mexico. Another video to hit online news from a few weeks ago shows 2 men and a woman who had both hands cut off and were left to bleed in the streets as a message to rival gang members. The Republicans have seen their highest number of Hispanic voters at 30% who support them. When asked many say that they've lived the horrors of the cartels and want the wall built to keep them from establishing themselves in America.

* There are so many celebrities who hate Trump

Yeah there are. I'd assume that there'd be more who support Trump but announcing so would be career suicide. Think about it for a sec: these celebs announce they're against the Wall and yet they live in walled compounds. They tell us that they are anti-gun ownership and anti-guns but their body guards are always armed. These celebs make their money from starring in bloody violent movies full of guns. They make their fortunes rapping about guns and sexist lyrics but they dare condemn Trump?

Celebs live in mansions, are surrounded by adoring fans and a$$ kissing agents and directors they do not live in the same America as everyone else. They preach about how bad consumerism is and how climate change is ruining the planet but they are happy to endorse the latest products and clothing. They are happy to poison the planet by jet-setting across the country to premieres and concerts. Celebrities are the biggest bunch of hypocrites. They threaten to move to Canada if Trump became POTUS but why not Mexico? Bunch of racists.

* Trump is Hitler. America is doomed welcome to Hell

Very dramatic First World Problem. Seriously there are people living in the 3rd world who would kill for what we have. To even begin to think that you've got it bad and America is doomed is the biggest load of nonsense.

Implying or outright saying that Trump is Hitler or Hitler reborn or anything along those lines is the most insulting thing that you can say. You're comparing a businessman to the Fuhrer who was responsible for slaughtering 6 million people? Learn history fool.

America is doomed? Howso? - this is a good question to ask people. They'll parrot back the slogans they've been feed by the MSM (and in most cases) without being able to elaborate or intelligently argue their point. If you have educated yourself with the facts you'll be able to counter their points. Oh you think this is Hell? I'd hate to see you get the wrong order at Starbucks.

Where in Trumps Winners Speech did he say that?...

Seriously was it after he said that he wanted to unite the country or was it before he said that he would be a President for ALL Americans?

* Donald Trump is SEXIST!

Trump has said many sexist remarks over the years. So has almost every man I know at one point or another. A good tactic is to highlight the sexist or misogynistic things that person has said themselves. You may be hit back with a "yeah but I'm not running for POTUS" Highlight Trumps changed rhetoric over the last few months. After "pvssygate" was released Trump pulled his head in. The bombastic and showboating that he used to do to show himself as an ordinary man was discarded and for several months now he has donned a Presidential air. As a young woman myself I have received and overheard my fair share of sexist remarks and I hope that this changes in the future or is at least limited to the locker room where it belongs.

* Trump will start WW3. Trump can't be trusted with nuclear codes

No he won't. It was Hillary who kept threatening Russia and goading them into a war (despite her Love Trumps Hate slogan). Trump has stated that he seeks to make friends with any country that seeks to be friends with us. Now Putin has stated that he wants to make ties with America stronger than ever. On the contrary, Trump has given all indication that the world outside of America isn't his main priority. He wants to rebuild infrastructure, repair roads and hospitals that have long been left to crumble under Obama. I believe under Trumps Presidency we will see America stop "Policing the World" as they have for the past 50+ years.

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 11:52 PM
Your anti-establishment candidate just considered Jaime Dimon, a CEO banker, as Treasury Secretary. Your candidate is not for the people. Do you have a tactic for that truth? Tell me why his camp would even consider a wall street banker if their platform was anti-establishment.

Sarah Palin as a member of the cabinet? Sherrif Clarke, Department of Homeland security? The man who let another man die of thirst on his watch? Any tactics?

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: FelisOrion

Oh Hi new member. I thought your paychecks dried up already or has Soros opened his wallet?

The tactic that you just used is called Deflection. Instead of providing a counter argument you seek to change the subject and distract everyone into a defence status.

Stick to the points highlighted instead of trying to derail the thread. TIA

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: FelisOrion
I have to second all that. I have my own doubts Trump can even read. I find it hilarious someone would use the word education as a way to deal with anti-Trump people.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

See my thread: Attention Election Protesters: Why I Did Not Support Bush '04, Obama '12, nor Hillary In 2016

That's the reason I didn't vote for Bush in 04, or Obama in 12 or Hillary in 16. Both parties try to act as humanitarian as possible, and they've killed MANY people around the world. IF people want to make a difference, they had better get in touch with the President Trump administration and get it done! We can make a difference now, and people can't get everything they want-but WE AMERICA can truly change things now. The people will see that within about 2 years or so...

There will be huge positive changes for the world. THEY WILL KNOW BY November 2018!

I would start off sharing the drone atrocity and terrorism by both the Republicans and the Democrats-and point out that if people want to make a difference, then they should present Constitutional ideas to the President, and they will likely go through.

Donald Trump for example will put it into Federal Law that ALL STATES will have the right to Legalize Marijuana. There's a few good starting points. The People will see, and as everything goes time will tell.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:11 AM

Thanks for the tips. I don't take crap from anybody, but taking a calm approach is best and I rather diffuse tensions this way.
You make some very valid points. Again, thanks for the tips.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

Good luck with all of that.

Not to diminish the substance of your views in anyway, but I think using any argument at this point against a SJW is analogous to shouting at cancer to cure it.

In my view, the only real cure to the SJW plague is policy success. They will either see the light or be relegated to the fringe irrelevancy where they belong.

Trump needs to get this right.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

OH, and what about Trump backpedaling on Obamacare his third day in. Just saw an interview where he stated he intends to keep parts of Obamacare.

Wait, what? I thought you were going to repeal and replace it. When asked about the interim period where there would be no health care, Donald simply says:

"There will be none, it wont be two days or two years. A new plan will be in place immediately"

Doubt me? Search for the interview; Im sure it will be on Youtube soon. But again you guys will find a way to rationalize his obvious contradiction to avoid accepting the reality of being manipulated. At least Obama waited a few months before going 180. Trump couldn't wait one week, bwhaha.

You know, the left may be whiney crybabies at times, but the right is much, much worse. A bunch of cult followers who refuse to see the writing on the wall; even when the text spells your name in capital letters. And there you go asking if I have paychecks from whoever. I am neither right or left..

Im an American.

edit on 12-11-2016 by FelisOrion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

Your already seeing in this thread that while you may be trying to actually discuss the issues, they will still fall on deaf ears.

It's like trying to talk to a toddler.

Keep up the forward momentum however, something has got to give.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Im discussing issues right now. Live events that are being reported.

Trump camp considers Jaime Dimon, WALL STREET BANKER.
Considers Sherrif Clarke for Homeland Security. A man who let another man die of thirst on his watch. This is your vision of a safe america? A man who can't even give his prisoner his basic right to food and water while being detained? Allowing him to die. That's who Donald is considering for Homeland security?

Sarah Palin? Lets not even go there.

Ben Carson for Education? And more former goldman Sach executives for other various positions?

DISCUSS. Is this a man who is anti-establishment? Already there is inner turmoil in his camp? He hasn't even entered the white house and his closest circle already have disagreements. You would think a great leader would have a clear plan put in place even before winning the election.

No, you have inner circle fighting. Let's discuss? What tactics do you have for this? Is it the usual cult like response? Where you block out the reality of the situation and accuse me of being some sort of shill or paid disinfo agent? Hmm?

edit on 12-11-2016 by FelisOrion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: FelisOrion

Wait until at least January 31st! I'm sure he is going to come up with something good. He has already lined out the basis of what the general plan will be. More competitive health rates through cross-border insurance companies. There's a lot more he is going to do, but it is secret right now. You will be amazed at what he is going to do. America will be much healthier. I know that so far (3 days, lol!), Donald Trump has stayed true to his rallies. I have a strong feeling that he will continue that trend!

I know what his plans are for the American "healthcare system". There are medical treatments that could ALMOST cure diseases that cost 2 out of every 3 Medicare/Medicaid dollars each year. That's huge. You will see it. I don't have the source for that, other than one of his rallies in Iowa was the first place I think he talked about it. The "4,000 drugs/treatments that are waiting for years to be people die waiting for them". I could tell he is familiar with disease. He has met a lot of his supporters who are disabled. Just give him a chance!

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

I would love for Donald to do a miracle and actually make this country great but it is BS. He said it to BS you. He wrote the ART OF THE DEAL.

IN THE BOOK HE SAID: Say what you need to get the deal done, or something of that like. You guys can not see the writing on the wall. He said WHAT was needed to close the BIGGEST deal in America. And what is the biggest deal to close in America? The one that would allow infinite praise? That will put you in the history books forever?

YOu guessed right: The God Damn presidency. Forget your condos, and your mansions. In real-estate, the white house is the biggest deal to close and thanks to you supporters projecting your ideas and beliefs of what he 'is' onto him, he was able to use that to manipulate you, play off your fears, and gain your vote.

Splendid job. Donald closed the biggest deal, and all it took was to mention 'Mexicans, walls, muslims, and repeal Obamacare'

Oh, and a bit of trolling here and there.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: FelisOrion

Every one of your points of discussion are debatable. You don't have to like..anything about the new administration. However it is happening. You want to talk about blocking out reality, look what's happening in the streets.

I've not now nor ever accused anyone but one person on this website as being a shill/ctr. However that doesn't stop you from throwing it out there.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:33 AM
You don't really argue with an SJW.

You use logic and point out the fallacy of their arguments, then they scream RACIST or some other buzzword and claim victory and block you. At least that is the trend I see on social media.

edit on 12-11-2016 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:37 AM
They are children. You don't argue with or debate children. They simply have to cope with the consequences of their decisions, and they will learn.

The election of Donald Trump is a consequence of the decisions they have made; or, rather, it is a rebuke of the decisions they have made and the ideology driving those decisions.

There is no need to debate them. There is no need to "educate" them. They will simply understand it and adapt, or they will refuse to accept it and be left behind.

So be it. They are children. We should treat them as such.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: FelisOrion

I really hope you are wrong. As with all things, time will tell. If he screws us all, well that will be sad. I'm sure many will flee, many will die-if you're right.

I choose to at least give him a chance. If he can't make it better within 3 years, then I suppose I will have to find a way to escape America. Otherwise, I wish to have hope for a brighter future. I was very sad when Obama killed so many with his drone warfare, just like Bush. Kremlin admits that WWIII was for sure with Hillary Clinton. Let's wait this out and see if he actually CAN make it better. Thank you.

Edit: I gave you a star for your post. I can tell you are very heartfelt in a meaningful way. We agree 100% on one thing: We both want someone we can trust as a leader. Let us hope that it works out for the best. At least he isn't a 'lifer politician!
edit on 11/12/2016 by InFriNiTee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

you wanna use logic with them? SERIOUSLY?

good luck with that.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:42 AM
Trump is from New Jersey. And all people from New Jersey are social liberals.

How do we respond?

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

* Trumps Wall is racist and ridiculous
I don't know about racist, but ridiculous, totally. Your worried about drugs coming over? It's cheaper to use drones than people to smuggle drugs now. Wall defeated. Illegal immigrants? The majority come across hidden in vehicles at our border crossings. Wall would have zero effect on that. What about the private citizens land that would have to be taken from them to build the wall?

* There are so many celebrities who hate Trump
Who cares? Does anyone really care what celebrities think? I'm a liberal, and most everyone I know is anti celebrity in every way.

* Trump is Hitler. America is doomed
Trump isn't Hitler, Trump is Trump. I don't see Trump dangerous in a Hitler kind of way, more of a buffoonish way. The type of guy who'd rather have someone else think for him. Or pay someone else to. And given what america is right now, that could be just as dangerous as Hitler. To all of us.

*Donald Trump is SEXIST!
I see you didn't try to argue that one. Just rationalize it by saying all men act that way. All men don't act that way. But I digress.

* Trump will start WW3.
The way Trump talks isn't how leaders of nations need to talk, and it could be dangerous when dealing with volatile situations. When wars and things of that nature are at stake, you need to be specific in EVERYTHING you say. Not the vague style of discourse Trump uses.

Miscommunications can lead to war fast. I see him as a danger in that respect. And with him surrounding himself with warhawks already, I seriously doubt America will stop being "the police of the world".

And to close, saying you're going to be the president "for all Americans" while you've made fun of disabled people and bragged about assaulting women and insulted others based on race and nationality doesn't strike me as someone being honest. Maybe you see that differently.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: FelisOrion
Your anti-establishment candidate just considered Jaime Dimon, a CEO banker, as Treasury Secretary. Your candidate is not for the people. Do you have a tactic for that truth? Tell me why his camp would even consider a wall street banker if their platform was anti-establishment.

I see what you are doing. You are trying to educate the right wingers with logic and civility to convince them of their own hypocrisy. Nice try but it it's not going to work. There are some people who's opinions are just facts. That's just the way it is. They are right and YOU ARE NOT!

It's okay, Trump is from New Jersey. He's a social liberal and probably further to the left than Hillary anyway.

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