Hi All I thought I'd put together a few dot points with advice on how to deal with SJWs and the Anti-Trump crowd. I will write a counter balance
arguments for Hillary later Feel free to add your own.
Education and logic are our greatest resources when talking to friends, family and neighbours who are hysterical at the idea of Trump as President.
Not everyone feels comfortable in talking about their support of the new President, especially when some of the anti-Trump crowd have shown themselves
to be violent and can snap - even at women or elderly people, if their mind set is challenged. I think the main point in this is that the Media and
social engineering that has taken place over the last few decades have made us feel unable to voice our opinions lest they be shouted down as
"racist" "sexist" "homophobic" - even when they clearly aren't. It is therefore important to not be beaten down by the SJWs into believing that
your opinion doesn't matter or that your viewpoint is necessarily wrong. The ancient Greeks believed that anyone should be able to express their
viewpoint as long as they cite facts and they do not resort to emotion or personal attacks. As soon as a SJW resorts to name calling or foul language
- call them out on it "swearing and personal attacks only discredit your argument". If they continue to resort to swearing or personal attacks say
"You're being too emotional. I will only debate rational and calm people" and shut it down walk away. Our goal is not to upset the anti-Trumps or
work them into a frenzy but to show them how controlled they are by the MSM. How the world isn't going to end and everything's okay.
* Trumps Wall is racist and ridiculous
It is not racist to secure the borders of your country. Almost every country in the world has a secure border with check points with the exception of
active war zones and third world countries. Canada has a secured border with America - how is that not racist but America wanting to secure its border
with Mexico is?
* Why would America want to secure their porous border with Mexico?
Cartels are ruling Mexico. These are criminal empires who have waged bloody turf wars with the Mexican government, the Police and other rival gangs.
The porous border allows them to easily run drugs across to America. The cartels also profit from human trafficking. In most cases the cartels
approach poor rural Mexicans claiming to be from charities that run orphanages and schools in America. The desperate parents hand over their little
kids in the hopes that they will have a better life away from the violence of the cartels. These kids are smuggled into America and forced into a life
of sexual slavery and prostitution. Having a secure border with checkpoints provides more opportunities for officials to catch the drugs before they
cross into Small Town USA, to arrest any human trafficker and reunite children to their parents.
49 dismembered bodies dumped on highway by cartel
The crimes that the Mexican cartels commit are brutal. In 2012 a truck stopped on a Mexican highway and dumped its load of rotting dismembered
corpses. This is a horrific example of the audacity of the cartels who openly flout that they run Mexico. Another video to hit online news from a few
weeks ago shows 2 men and a woman who had both hands cut off and were left to bleed in the streets as a message to rival gang members. The Republicans
have seen their highest number of Hispanic voters at 30% who support them. When asked many say that they've lived the horrors of the cartels and want
the wall built to keep them from establishing themselves in America.
* There are so many celebrities who hate Trump
Yeah there are. I'd assume that there'd be more who support Trump but announcing so would be career suicide. Think about it for a sec: these celebs
announce they're against the Wall and yet they live in walled compounds. They tell us that they are anti-gun ownership and anti-guns but their body
guards are always armed. These celebs make their money from starring in bloody violent movies full of guns. They make their fortunes rapping about
guns and sexist lyrics but they dare condemn Trump?
Celebs live in mansions, are surrounded by adoring fans and a$$ kissing agents and directors they do not live in the same America as everyone else.
They preach about how bad consumerism is and how climate change is ruining the planet but they are happy to endorse the latest products and clothing.
They are happy to poison the planet by jet-setting across the country to premieres and concerts. Celebrities are the biggest bunch of hypocrites. They
threaten to move to Canada if Trump became POTUS but why not Mexico? Bunch of racists.
* Trump is Hitler. America is doomed welcome to Hell
Very dramatic First World Problem. Seriously there are people living in the 3rd world who would kill for what we have. To even begin to think that
you've got it bad and America is doomed is the biggest load of nonsense.
Implying or outright saying that Trump is Hitler or Hitler reborn or anything along those lines is the most insulting thing that you can say. You're
comparing a businessman to the Fuhrer who was responsible for slaughtering 6 million people? Learn history fool.
America is doomed? Howso? - this is a good question to ask people. They'll parrot back the slogans they've been feed by the MSM (and in most cases)
without being able to elaborate or intelligently argue their point. If you have educated yourself with the facts you'll be able to counter their
points. Oh you think this is Hell? I'd hate to see you get the wrong order at Starbucks.
Where in Trumps Winners Speech did he say that?...
Seriously was it after he said that he wanted to unite the country or was it before he said that he would be a President for ALL Americans?
* Donald Trump is SEXIST!
Trump has said many sexist remarks over the years. So has almost every man I know at one point or another. A good tactic is to highlight the sexist or
misogynistic things that person has said themselves. You may be hit back with a "yeah but I'm not running for POTUS" Highlight Trumps changed
rhetoric over the last few months. After "pvssygate" was released Trump pulled his head in. The bombastic and showboating that he used to do to show
himself as an ordinary man was discarded and for several months now he has donned a Presidential air. As a young woman myself I have received and
overheard my fair share of sexist remarks and I hope that this changes in the future or is at least limited to the locker room where it belongs.
* Trump will start WW3. Trump can't be trusted with nuclear codes
No he won't. It was Hillary who kept threatening Russia and goading them into a war (despite her Love Trumps Hate slogan). Trump has stated that he
seeks to make friends with any country that seeks to be friends with us. Now Putin has stated that he wants to make ties with America stronger than
ever. On the contrary, Trump has given all indication that the world outside of America isn't his main priority. He wants to rebuild infrastructure,
repair roads and hospitals that have long been left to crumble under Obama. I believe under Trumps Presidency we will see America stop "Policing the
World" as they have for the past 50+ years.