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why do you believe?

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:29 PM
when i first come on the internet , one of the first things i searched for was ufos - i found plenty of footage that impressed me and was a firm believer of aliens/ufos etc.

after a period of time of looking into various websites , i discovered that these amazing pics and footage of ufos where getting proved fake. it was like every month or so the things i had once thought to be genuine where under the hammer with various experts claiming hoax (with evidence) or the people behind the pics/vids owning up.

im now very much skeptical about the whole alien agenda thing. i believe something is there , though im not sure if its alien.

what is it that made you believe or dissbelieve aliens/ufos? what is the turning point that made you base your views that you have now ?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Been posted before...sorry. I forget who said it but they said, "you have to get up pretty early around here to post something that hasn't been posted before...LOL I was trying to find the thread for you but I'm not great at the search function.....

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:39 PM
The incredible vastness of space would, in my opinion, force someone to believe in life elsewhere. The only valid reasoning for not believing in life outside of earth would be faith or religion. So far as science goes, in an infinite universe, more than likely there are tons of inteligent lifeforms. The point of contention comes in wondering how common they are. There have actually been xenobiological stidies on inteligent life in the galaxy based on some kind of probability (haven't read it, was told about it.) factors and the lifespan of humanity. The guess came out to be 8 or 9 inteligent life forms in the galaxy, assuming inteligent life forms don't blow themselves up typically. We're awfully close, who knows about others. If the reign of man only lasts for a couple of million years and is the norm, we will probably never encounter inteligent life. However, we will encounter dumb life. Like frogs and things. Yeah.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
what is it that made you believe or dissbelieve aliens/ufos? what is the turning point that made you base your views that you have now ?

I was always interested in UFOs, and aliens since I am living. I always knew that the tech I see around me, is only a portion of what a thinking creature should be capable for.

But now I am convinced with the existance of aliens and UFOs, and I don't actually refer to the hoax and fake pics and vids. I have selective thinking, I don't just accept anything I see.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:33 PM
What made me believe? thats a good one. It might be the fact, that the universe, or for this thread, this galaxy is so extensive, with 100 billion stars, many with planets, that there is NO possibility that non of them, besides earth has life on them.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:09 PM
It would an awful waste of space if we are the only life form in the universe.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:34 PM
what is nice about this site is the fact you can tell the truth of what is and no one believe's you just about each one here is tied up in there own thoughts and wanting to always be right.
I am an old soul here observing many times I myself have been to the point where I wanted to tell the others that humans here are useless but I can't bring myself to do that as of yet because I see the good awakening I see love, caring, giving.
I have know doubt you think I have a mental problem but oh well as they say these days. By the way just so I am not accused of anything I am observe50 the forgotten but not gone.
The clock is ticking friends.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
when i first come on the internet , one of the first things i searched for was ufos - i found plenty of footage that impressed me and was a firm believer of aliens/ufos etc.

after a period of time of looking into various websites , i discovered that these amazing pics and footage of ufos where getting proved fake. it was like every month or so the things i had once thought to be genuine where under the hammer with various experts claiming hoax (with evidence) or the people behind the pics/vids owning up.

im now very much skeptical about the whole alien agenda thing. i believe something is there , though im not sure if its alien.

what is it that made you believe or dissbelieve aliens/ufos? what is the turning point that made you base your views that you have now ?

We think alot alike on this subject. For me, it comes down to the big picture. Meaning, if you take one peice of evidence, like one photo that may or may not be real, or one video that may or not be real, or one government manual that may or may not be real, and look at them one at a time, it would be easy to pretty much debunk them ne at a time. But, if you take it all at the same time, the thousands of personal accounts, the hundreds of possibly authentic pics and videos and documents, and the many obvious gov't coverups, it is a very hard thing to ignore. To me, it's having all of it in your face at the same time.

Lately for me, it's been the way the mainstream media seems to be grasping the possibility more and more. MSNBC, CNN, and other reputtable news sources seem to post a story about once a week in their Science and Technology forums that have a new piece about the evidence of aliens. But, like I always say, evidence is NOT proof. So, in the end, it comes down to a well educated judgement call.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by WCamp60455
By the way just so I am not accused of anything I am observe50 the forgotten but not gone.
The clock is ticking friends.

But you DID forget one thing regarding the truth... you know, the chip...

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 04:40 AM
why do I believe?
I get disgusted by everyones so called facts that there are no other life forms than ours. People with their posts saying that aliens cannot possibly have travelled here because travelling at light speed,would reduce an object to nothing, etc. It is ignorant to me that with proof that living elements from outer space do exist (ie; alien bacteria found in meteorites-which proves that ET "life-forms" do exist). What I mean is that all of the facts that people use to prove that aliens do not exist, are facts according to our standards and knowledge. For example, just because we cannot find, invent, or mathematically calculate or explain time travel, people say that it is IMPOSSIBLE. It is only impossible to us because we have not yet discovered it. We cannot explain many things, yet we know they exist. Someday we will undoubtedly explain many of the things we consider unexplainable today. The fact that we cant breath underwater, but fish can because they are adapted for it should be enough proof that other life forms may have adapted to their domains-we cant travel space(at lengths) because of the limits to our knowledge of the process-just because we dont know how, doesnt mean that another life form cant. I cannot fathom the word impossible, because nothing is impossible, only limited to the resources and knowledge available. Just because it isnt available now, doesnt mean it will never be. OR that it isnt already to someone, or something else. Many theories we have developed took centuries to prove or disprove, and at the time, seemed impossible. Who is to say that there arent other dimensions, where logic as we know it-is totally different? If our scientists knew everything, they would be out of a job. I guess most of my reply is also hashed from the debate forum I just read titled "aliens probably have visited our planet" where Rain King used the word "impossible" throughout the whole argument against the idea. I find it rediculous to think that everything in the universe is bound by the limitations that we set for ourselves because of the lack of knowledge humankind has. Just because our brightest genius' have come up with theories that suggest that time or space travel is physically "impossible" due to limitations WE have such as gravity, mass, velocity,etc.- I find it ignorant to think that other alien lifeforms HAVE TO BE bound by the same physical laws that we are. It is our nature to feel that we are superior to all life forms, which is terrible considering how large the universe is.
Anyways, nothing is impossible, even if it may seem so. We know that numbers are infinite, so why cant possibilities be? You tell me something is implausible, I may agree. You tell me something is impossible, my answer will be "only for now".

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:06 AM
I believe, because i just open my eyes and look at the evidence offered to us since thousands of years. People who don' t believe are just not ready (skeptics) or misinformed (people in general).

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 06:25 AM
i think its incredibely arrogant of humans to think that we are the only inhabitants of this galaxy or other galaxys.

i personally feel there could be hundreds of thousands of planets out there that could host life..........intelligent or otherwise.......

i also don't feel that its a conflict with the bible......believing in life on other planets/galaxies............but that's my own personal view on it.


[edit on 26-1-2005 by amb1063]

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 06:26 AM
Alot of things made me believe.

Personal experience, research into better cases, logic, ect.

Since I suck at photo and video imaging recognition, I dont even bother with pictures on the net, as most of the time I simply ask my friends who know more to help identify.

But the vast amounts of fake pics dont deter me, they are only an annoyance to the vast body of evidence contained from more reputable sources.

What I cant stand are skeptics who label explainations for sightings that are even more absurd and ridiculous than what some UFO cults believe.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 08:04 AM
I smell fear at the most. I said to a friend of me: hope we meet some aliens/extraterrestrials some day, he straight answered: no . I asked why: that would be to scary. Fear is upon to many fear that their "truth" isnt the truth (fear their toughts?).. why? Example: If something I belive would be prooved otherwise I would joust accept it because what else? take suicide? or joust go crazy? lol i get the impression of that from many people that they would joust flip out. I am not sure there is alot of fear types. but there is one common.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:12 PM
ok sorry , i should have been more clear - i didnt actually mean on the grand scope of things , i actually meant in ufos visiting earth.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
ok sorry , i should have been more clear - i didnt actually mean on the grand scope of things , i actually meant in ufos visiting earth.

I think I knew what you meant Acid.
Same answer as before for me

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:28 PM
See my last post on THIS thread...

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 04:05 PM
why do you believe?

Because to an open mind, circumstantial evidence, probability and logic suggests there are aliens and UFO's.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 04:10 PM
I believe in the possibility/probability of alien life somewhere at sometime, but to the best of my knowledge it is not present at my place in my time.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by WCamp60455
what is nice about this site is the fact you can tell the truth of what is and no one believe's you just about each one here is tied up in there own thoughts and wanting to always be right.
I am an old soul here observing many times I myself have been to the point where I wanted to tell the others that humans here are useless but I can't bring myself to do that as of yet because I see the good awakening I see love, caring, giving.
I have know doubt you think I have a mental problem but oh well as they say these days. By the way just so I am not accused of anything I am observe50 the forgotten but not gone.
The clock is ticking friends.

Um, were do you see that? Everwere i see is pure artificial love, not real caring or compassion. Every new age site says that we are slowly growing and avoided catastrophe, i don't see it, did i miss something?

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