posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to:
NO! you don't say that! NO BAD, NOOOOOO.
for Everyone else;
I do shop at Sams club for just about everything ( somethings you just don't really want to buy bulk of). I spend close to 300$ every 2 weeks ( each
payday ). We have cut cost on a few things. I make our laundry det. I can spend 30$ and have enough to last our family of 4 for about 10 months. We
don't buy paper towels, we have rags for cleaning up, and cooking and such, and we have cloth napkins for when we eat. ( let me tell you, cloth
diapers are literally the greatest thing ever to soak up just about anything )
I am contemplating making bread, instead of buying it. I personally prefer doing it by hand, but I do own a bread machine, so I'll be able to crank
out more loaves at a time. Unfortunately it's time consuming. Currently I am in between jobs, and have some time, but I will be getting another job
soon (hopefully) and won't be home all day to cook bread.
I LOVE my crockpot and use it often, to make stews and such.
He does yard work, lots of it, most of it actually. I am actually going to have him on the roof today with his dad cleaning gutters.
Thank you everyone who have shared your ideas and your stories.
Here's to hoping that both of us survive this craziness.