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Let the pink slips start flying for establishment media

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posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 01:58 PM
I'm probably wasting my breath here...but I've got some time to burn.

The "News" in general needs to be ended. We need to build an awesome computer and hire reporters who will collect information on every event that occurs in the world. This information will be fed into the computer that will dissect the information and remove all opinion, all bias phrasing and all stories that are irrelevant. Once the system compiles the facts only, it will produce a CGI video report by a blue person of no specific gender and play that on the only news station in existence. The same information can be printed for print publications.

Back in my day (I'm 51) most news came from newspapers. Each paper had different sections including an "Opinion" section. That idea is long gone in today's media. CBS, MSNBC, ABC and FOX will be rebranded as "Social Opinion Television" with a disclaimer. "The views expressed in this paid, for-profit Social Opinion Telecast are those of the owning corporation. This station by no means supports or promotes the non-factual opinions presented here."


posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Greggers

originally posted by: fatkid
a reply to: Greggers

Doesn't change the fact that the same questions weren't asked of the other candidate, but I'm sure you will keep defending the media and the establishment, the election is over, hopefully we can get some real topics to discuss.

Trump wasn't asked about his emails either.

Each debate had pointed questions that were relevant to one candidate only, in addition to questions that were appropriate for both.

And no, I am not interested in defending the media or the establishment. I am, however, interested in making sure the claims we're making are accurate.

Ummm...Trump wasn't a paid government employee that held a high ranking political position. He simply owned a business.

Apples and oranges (ha! no pun).

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: Greggers

originally posted by: fatkid
a reply to: Greggers

Doesn't change the fact that the same questions weren't asked of the other candidate, but I'm sure you will keep defending the media and the establishment, the election is over, hopefully we can get some real topics to discuss.

Trump wasn't asked about his emails either.

Each debate had pointed questions that were relevant to one candidate only, in addition to questions that were appropriate for both.

And no, I am not interested in defending the media or the establishment. I am, however, interested in making sure the claims we're making are accurate.

Ummm...Trump wasn't a paid government employee that held a high ranking political position. He simply owned a business.

Apples and oranges (ha! no pun).

Exactly, which is why the question did not apply to him, and why it didn't make any sense to ask him.
edit on 11-11-2016 by Greggers because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Greggers
Another point: The media gave Trump billions of free dollars worth of coverage. No candidate has ever benefited more from media coverage than Donald Trump.

They didn't always say nice things about him, but Trump was happy to play the villian and keep the cameras rolling.

In my opinion, the real pox is on the alternate right media, for fabricating so many stories about Clinton. They have shown they are willing to pursue a business strategy based on outright lies.

Agreed. Most people know that the majority, or many people vote by 'name recognition". Sad, but true.
The media didn't stop until everybody in the country woke up and went to bed with his face and words on TV news.

It's shameful. Get rid of them all. They are money grubbers and fame whores.

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: Greggers

The debate isn't the place for the media to try to bait one candidate in hopes of helping another, there are 20 other hours for them to spread their fear mongering.

It should be about issues, if Hillary thought herself able to speak on real subjects the debates wouldn't of been like watching the jersey shore. Instead they chose to sit and talk about bull# all night trying to disrupt the process.

49% of America stayed home and didn't vote for a reason, that means less than 25% of America voted for Hillary or trump (they got an almost even split out of the remaining 50%), if (what I am assuming is your party) doesn't get that point, then the same people will probably be staying at home in 2020. People are tierd of the media and the government trying to lie to the people and sensationalize everything.

If they never tried to make a point out of nothing - we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I'm sorry you can't see that.

This is America we are supposed to be better than that.

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: fatkid
I'm sorry you can't see that.

You really shouldn't concern yourself.

I simply disagree with your assessment of the situation.

Hillary's problem certainly wasn't that she couldn't talk about issues. She talked circles around Trump when it came to providing granular answers to policy questions. Hillary's problem was that she was generally unlikable and people found her untrustworthy, plus she ran a campaign without a message, while Trump's message was simple and direct.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a huge fan of the media, and I think it's clear they do not serve the public good but rather their own quest for ratings and advertising dollars. Like I said, I simply disagree with your stance on the debates, and I believe at this point I've articulated why.

You are free to disagree, of course.

And I won't be sorry we disagree; that's life.
edit on 11-11-2016 by Greggers because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Greggers

We are both just trying to "keep the facts" straight, problem with that is, it is only a matter of opinion.

I watched the debates, and I wouldn't say that Hillary talked circles around trump, and I wouldnt say trumped talked circles around Hillary, I would say a very small portion of time was dedicated to talking about issues in depth.

But again this is opinion, you saw what you saw, I saw what I saw, we probably saw different things because we look at politics and government a different way.

Like two people looking at the sky on opposite sides of the world.

You obviously support Hillary, and I support neither. (Except president-elect trump - not because I like him or voted for him, but because he was elected by the people)
edit on 13-11-2016 by fatkid because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: fatkid

You obviously support Hillary


Otherwise, I agree with your last post.
edit on 14-11-2016 by Greggers because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 07:09 PM
So, instead of pink slips, we get "FAKE NEWS".
At least now we know how it's going to be...war.

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