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Ok, question of all questions!!!

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 02:39 PM
OK, now, the fact that we all follow a forum like this means at the very least we are curious about UFO’s and such. Some of use are skeptical, and some of us are devout believers. Before I pose “the” question however, you need to know where I stand on UFO’s.

I think that there is absolutely intelligent life out there, and they have quite possibly visited the earth at one point or another. But I think that about 99.8% of anything we have that’s “proof” of their visits is a deliberate or accidental hoax.

Now, having said that “the” question:

What would you require, as actual, real tangible proof that a UFO incident is real? WAIT!! There is a condition: You didn’t see it yourself, its being reported to you by somebody else. What would it take for another person to PROVE to you beyond all doubt that a UFO incident was real?

[edit on 25-1-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 02:47 PM
Acknowledgement by more than one reputable media source, including footage of the beings and bar none admittance that these were indeed extra-terrestrials.

There is enough evidence to show my that we are not alone and are being visited, and that the US government is covering it up.

However, your question was what "proof" would be required.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 02:58 PM
Visual evidence (video) backed up by the mainstream media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ETC) acknowledeging what is being said by the government: "We are being visited by beings from another galaxy". Yep--I think that would do it.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
What would it take for another person to PROVE to you beyond all doubt that a UFO incident was real?

Personally I don't need any human being to convince me with the existance of aliens.

Imagine, that some of your ATS posts had alien origin, and all you noticed of it, was that you are "extremely smart", and "you know people very well", and "your mind suddenly opened up". You tried to copy those examples in further comments, but with the least result. But I knew that your posts had alien origin, ...and there I am convinced, that you are under alien surveillance.

Just a plain example, of what is needed for me as "proof" regarding aliens.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:02 PM
This has been asked here fefore and if I am remembering correctly got a couple of pages of responses..I'll try if I have time to find it for you.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:07 PM
About two thousand quid (pounds sterling).....

Actually, the obvious answer would be a little green or grey man, but that might be too much proof.

I guess if it were a friend I trusted I would believe them without question.

I'll stick with the two grand.....

[edit on 25-1-2005 by Koka]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:08 PM
You know i cant bring myself to believing in anything these days besides my faith and the existence of greys/Nordics.Even if theres a picture of some entity,or a UFO or and E.T,even if theres a video tape of it,even if 100`s of people claimed they`v come across it,theres always someone claiming its fake.And then another comes out and says it strue,and it switches back and forth.

When will the real truth come out?When will the people of Earth ever realise the real truth of alien beings/etc.When are we all intitled to our fair share of the truth.Too much lies,too much coverups,too much ignorance.

I will continue to do my research to find the truth my ownself.But in that question you asked me Skippy,I can never answer without knowing the truth for myself.And at the moment i dont.The internet is a sea of lies,inorder to get to the truth,you have to swim through it,you have to breathe in the lies before gettting to the truth.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:11 PM
It was allready PROVED to me.
One of my best friends in this life went camping, and had recollection of an abduction not from this world. The new scars upon her body is the proof.

Tiny perfect straight lines....back of her neck, behind her knees, one behind her ear..........all new and unexplained, that came home on her from this camping trip. She was an avid camper prior to this event. This event took place in Diamond Fork, up Spanish Fork canyon, in Utah off highway 6, and it was 9 years ago.

A John Mack book about a NYC abduction, has in it a photo of an Xray....of some weird THING inside a womans nasal cavity.......THATS pretty good proof to if you ask me.

Im not in the market for MORE proof.
Now I want answers.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:12 PM
with the digital age, anything is possible (lord of the rings, shrek) form an image standpoint, video or pictures would get me to maybe 80% by themselves.

I would be convinced (barring a personal experience) by tangible evidence tested or examined or even displayed a credible organization.

piece of the ship
cells, skin, whatever from the visitor
chemical, element, residue "not of this world" left at a landing site

for what its worth, I fall into the "I want to believe but need a little more evidence" category

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
The internet is a sea of lies,inorder to get to the truth,you have to swim through it,you have to breathe in the lies before gettting to the truth.

Aren't you a bit rude? This way you claim that every person here, on other forums, chats, etc... are complete liars. Well, they are not. It is true that people can do such and such things easily without a face, but many ppl are used to that. At that point, you become a real person in the eyes of those, and you cannot hide, no matter what you do.

You gota practice a lot...

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by blackSt33L
The internet is a sea of lies,inorder to get to the truth,you have to swim through it,you have to breathe in the lies before gettting to the truth.

Aren't you a bit rude? This way you claim that every person here, on other forums, chats, etc... are complete liars. Well, they are not. It is true that people can do such and such things easily without a face, but many ppl are used to that. At that point, you become a real person in the eyes of those, and you cannot hide, no matter what you do.

You gota practice a lot...

You know,these past couple of days/weeks since you joined,or since i came across you,you have been verymuch of a critic to everyone else especially me vertu.Its almost as if you get your kicks off trying to make a fool out of someone and their comments.It seems you love making challanges for yourself.If you dont like the way I express my feelings towards an opinion,the send a complaint to alright?

`The hero battles the wrong,the fool battles innocence`

To every one else,I did not mean everyone in this opinion,but those sights.Everyone is intitled to their own opinions and i respect that.I really dislike false predictions and fake sites made by people who know what they are doing.They make a mockery out of those of us who are really seriously trying to find the truth and those of us who knows the real truth.But nevertheless i shouldnt of express my feelings in that way so I apologise.It wont happen again.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
But nevertheless i shouldnt of express my feelings in that way so I apologise.It wont happen again.

I understand you.

Such a hard time you have, the same way as I do with that "mysterious everyone". Do you know why are my opinions so intensive and motivative? Because I would really like that "everyone" to wake up once and for all from his endless dream. Life doesn't consist of picking out liars and setting up a great guesswork, it is far more serious than that.

Regarding the truth, only those cannot see the truth, who have never seen it in their entire life. It is a real survival factor, that a person can find the truth as quickly as possible. Perhaps you have found the truth long ago, but you just cannot believe it.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:48 PM
we need to start buying infrared video cameras and start recording the sky. Take a look at the Mexican ufo recordings.



posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by blackSt33L
But nevertheless i shouldnt of express my feelings in that way so I apologise.It wont happen again.

I understand you.

Such a hard time you have, the same way as I do with that "mysterious everyone". Do you know why are my opinions so intensive and motivative? Because I would really like that "everyone" to wake up once and for all from his endless dream. Life doesn't consist of picking out liars and setting up a great guesswork, it is far more serious than that.

Regarding the truth, only those cannot see the truth, who have never seen it in their entire life. It is a real survival factor, that a person can find the truth as quickly as possible. Perhaps you have found the truth long ago, but you just cannot believe it.

You understand me?Do you think just because talking to me in afew posts you understand me.One can never understand another until one has experienced that others life.Remember that.

As for the truth.The truth has not come my way.Not yet.And i wait for that truth.But for the time been i fight those who try to make the truth harder for me to get to.And i will continue that fight.And this endless dream?How can you call this world a dream when somuch is happening.The closest
to a dream here is a false life.

I know your just trying to make a point vertu,I know your intentions are purely for your opinion.But dont question my feelings.And i wont question yours.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:26 PM
Id want a bunch of government guys standing in front of the craft, trying to say it is "swamp gas" and an alien (preferably a nordic) saying they come and peace, then send some guys and beat up the government guys, with fists, the old fashioned way. then i would have all the proof i need.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
One can never understand another until one has experienced that others life.

But for the time been i fight those who try to make the truth harder for me to get to.And i will continue that fight.

I know your just trying to make a point vertu,I know your intentions are purely for your opinion.But dont question my feelings.And i wont question yours.

Sure, this is not about a "few" posts... remember that!

You want to fight eh? What if you have a far more advanced opponent? What if your opponent is 'inhuman'?

I must always question your feelings, because so far whatever you wrote here on ATS has nothing to do with your "real" feelings. I always knew your real feelings, and I pointed to that many times.

For the record: I really like if a person is a little bit honest, at least to his own self.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by blackSt33L
One can never understand another until one has experienced that others life.

But for the time been i fight those who try to make the truth harder for me to get to.And i will continue that fight.

I know your just trying to make a point vertu,I know your intentions are purely for your opinion.But dont question my feelings.And i wont question yours.

Sure, this is not about a "few" posts... remember that!

You want to fight eh? What if you have a far more advanced opponent? What if your opponent is 'inhuman'?

I must always question your feelings, because so far whatever you wrote here on ATS has nothing to do with your "real" feelings. I always knew your real feelings, and I pointed to that many times.

For the record: I really like if a person is a little bit honest, at least to his own self.

You know much as you try to make your image look much more dignified,you fail to notice that you cause more flaws then you prevent when replying.You stubborness accounts for one of this.You ignorance for another persons expressions accounts for another.

Yes of course,its always good to have an opinion,iv said that adozen times,but to try to break ones dignity,infront of an audience is low,very low.I though a man of your stautua would of known that by now.But i find just a normal person,denying his own tru identity.

I always release my true self,I cant pretend as if this is not me.Do yourself a favour and cool it on the act.You might make someone hurt and thus them replying to you in a confronting manner.

I do not want to start confronation Vertu,I came onto this forum to discuss my own opinions and views others.But your cause here has become verymuch apparent to me.If your really a person of dignity and liberal intent,then you will end this.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Cade
we need to start buying infrared video cameras and start recording the sky. Take a look at the Mexican ufo recordings.



Amen! You dont have a link for that do you? I've watched it once but I'd like to see it again.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:56 PM
error - double post

[edit on 25-1-2005 by Cade]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:58 PM
Article and a longer version of the movie than I have seen before....

They recorded this with an infrared FLAIR camera from the airplane. Couldn't be seen by the naked eye but could be seen on their screen and was recorded. As well as confirmation from ground radar. The Mexican defence minister invited the press and announced this and showed the video and let the crew be interviewed.

We need to start recording the sky with infrared cameras and soon the MAJ12 will have a hard time explaining away all the footage. Let's expose their cover-up.

The Belgium airforce has confirmed it, the Mexcican military has confirmed it, how long must fear make so many deny this reality?

Are they hostile? what does your heart tell you when you watch this video...?

We live in interesting times my friends, and they are only just beginning. What a truely exciting time to be alive indeed.



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