posted on Nov, 18 2016 @ 07:33 AM
While I do believe the rioting is going to get worse before it gets better, I do not believe it will lead to mass loss of public utilities. Certainly,
in heavy riot concentrated areas food deliveries may be delayed to grocery stores and such. But that is temporary. What I am seeing though is an
accelerated form of 'group think'.
Group Think is a psychological trap that people fall into. One angry person is angry, but usually does little about it for fear of consequence. Two
angry people are more likely to be vocal than one. Three more likely to be intimidating. Etc. By the time you reach a group of ten to fifteen people
there is a sense of anonymity for the individuals. That brings the mistaken belief that it is "the group" committing the acts of violence, not the
individuals. There is the belief that the individual will not have to answer for the actions of the group. The fear of consequence is removed from the
equation. The members of the group feed off of each other becoming more bold and aggressive. Now the group begins to look attractive to anyone who
felt the same anger but was afraid to act or uncertain if it was the right thing to do, and the groups numbers swell. The growing numbers only add to
the belief that "the group" is an unstoppable force when in reality, the individuals within the group can still be stopped just as easily as if they
were alone. When the inevitable occurs, and the riot is stunned back to reality, the finger pointing starts. "It wasn't me...I was just there to see
what happened... It was the other guy..."
As for the actual prepping, which isn't a bad idea anyway, I have six propane tanks and various size grills or burners to cook and boil water. I have
a Fresnel lens which I can use to easily construct a solar furnace if necessary. I have a large freezer full of food. And several 5 gallon buckets of
emergency meals that each feed 2 people for one month. Add a few cases of bottled water and a scavenger, and I am all set. And the new Bushmaster QRC
keeps it all safe and sound...