posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:12 PM
Reps are warhawks, and with Hillary wanting to invade Iran and initiate no fly zones over Syria there is room for problems.
I guess you never heard of world war 1,2,Korea,Vietnam,Bosnia,Kosvo,Somailia,Syria,Yemen, and what's currently been going on in Iraq, and
Dems say they're against war, but that's probably bullsh*t.
There is no probably there.
All those listed have been done by the Dems.
That's not counting the last eight years by the current administration arming 'good' terrorists to fight the 'bad' terrorists.
Or presidential candidates foundation that's made BILLIONS from pay to play.
Doesn't matter if goes either way, and with the climate change bullsnip.
'war','terrorism' is going to be the same, and get worse.
After all when you mess with their primary source of income from opec countries. The only thing they have left are terrorist's.
WAR is a given.
edit on 8-11-2016 by neo96 because: (no reason given)