posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 06:39 PM
This is a strange case, at least for me.
A friend of my sister gave her an old computer, a no-brand computer with an ASRock 939 Dual SATA2 motherboard, 3GB of RAM and a GeForce 7600GS. The
computer came with Windows XP but with a strange behaviour, as it gave some BSODs now and when pressing F8 at start-up it didn't show all the
I tested the memory and it looked like one module was faulty, so I removed it, but the problems remained. Suspicious of the Windows installed I
decided to install Windows 7, but the BSODs continued, with messages like PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or
SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, but the strangest part is that only happens when starting the computer, when it makes a successful start then it works
without any problem until it's shut down.
Anyone has any ideas of what it may be?
Thanks in advance.