Welcome back to another edition of
Softball. This afternoon’s guest is someone we could all take inspiration from. Notice I said ‘could’
since I don’t think this person drinks enough for me to be inspired by them. However, they have made their private battle with illness public on
this forum and displayed more bravery in that thread then many of us could muster ourselves so I suppose I could make an exception.
Her posts pull no punches which means she’s probably poked you in the eye with a sharp stick on at least one occasion-and if you’re like me you
probably deserved it. So, join me in warmly greeting ATS’s own Belle of Boston, Kali74. Thanks for taking the time to speak with us today Kali,
let’s get right into it.
AM: Do I have to be nice to you because you have cancer?
KA: Nope lol.
AM: Good, we both have reputations as hard asses and I would hate in any way to ruin them. As a member of a conspiracy site how pissed where you when
you received your diagnosis and knew A) That the government gave you cancer and B) Is hiding all the cures from you?
KA: While I'm 100% certain that the GOP had the Grey's abduct me and inject me with cancer cells (I think they took my eggs too!) in a counter shill
operation. I pray to Bill Nye everyday to bless the researchers and I know He will grant them the wisdom to thwart the anti-Science heathens.
AM: What is your favorite miracle cure that someone has given you?
KA: I'm a hippie Leftist, what do you think? Alkaline brownies... duh.
AM: What makes you more nauseous, chemo or Trump?
KA: Trump. I didn't even know what nausea was until the very second he was sworn in.
AM: You’re not shy about discussing politics, do you intentionally get your family and friends riled up with this topic?
KA: Yes but only to make sure they're following their programming and only at dinner. I have an entirely different strategy when discussing politics
with my redneck family but it's top secret Alinsky-level clearance.
AM: How
does the other side of the family handle you? Can they even properly digest a meal when you are in the room?
KA: Well, we love each other, which I'm sure is largely due to the miles between Alabama and Massachusetts however I must confess that my Uncle's home
made buttermilk biscuits can make me forget my duty to convert them.
Also, and I hate to admit this, but I think they're on to me. Every time I bring up Bernie and how his politics are the future they ask me if I've
accepted Christ into my heart... I can't offend their religion so I'm screwed and end up praying to Jesus for the next 2 hours.
AM: Have you completed feminizing your son?
KA: I think I've done all I can, he's 17 so in another year or so he'll be off to college where he's not sure if he's going to be majoring in White
Guilt or Male Privilege. Really either would make so, so proud. I tear up just thinking about it, he's smart enough and ashamed enough to double
AM: You must be so proud. Have you prepped him on what restroom he has to flail his junk around in?
KA: I tried really hard to raise him gender neutral but alas on top of being born male, he identifies as male and so I had to give up trying to get
him to use the women's room. With therapy we have both come terms with this and moved on.
AM: Did you take your screenname in honor of the ultra-liberal west coast state or the white vegetable that looks like tiny brains?
KA: Both, I had to pay homage to my ideological homeland as well as my vegetarianism.