In this not so subtle protest two men blow rape whistles screaming out Bill is a rapist. They are of course, escorted out of the venue and finish off
with a blue lives matter chant outside.
Well, I wonder how much Info Wars is paying these people t pull this off???
And for #s and giggles, lets see some more Bill Clinton is a rapist heckling, even at Bill himself.
Poor bastard can hardly show his face in public in America anymore without a nice barrage of criminal accusations and heckling.
Not attacking anyone. Not hitting anyone. The funny part....
The crowd...they were not chanting for Clinton...they were chanting for Obama. He is not running but he is pulling more than Hillary. I almost went to
see him yesterday in KIssimmee just to see a POTUS. It is a cool thing to do. They said he had about was about 2k....sad
Wait a second. For all the right wing's talk about Soros/Hillary-paid protestors, one of their own is openly paying for the same thing? Where's their
outrage about that? Hypocrites! (note: that's not aimed at you, it's for them)
Same here for the presidency. I did pick Dems for Congress though since there were no other progressives running. My family knows our Representative
to the House of Reps and he came to our house while doing a "get out the vote" drive.
Scream something loud enough, long enough, and it becomes the truth--so the logic of these "protesters" goes.
Joseph Goebbels is looking up from hell and smiling.
Trump supporter. Clinton supporter. Who ever supporter. Do us all a favor and stop, just stop. Well and truly, you're after nothing more than your
15 minutes--justice for victims isn't even on your agenda, deny that though you will. Were you truly after justice, you'd find a better way.
More and more, it seems we're all living in a damned elementary schoolyard.
Yes, I'm sure he was getting paid to be an ass. [/sarc] After all, everyone who does these things at a political rally is obviously a paid