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WikiLeaks: DNC and CNN colluded on questions for Trump, Cruz

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posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 07:58 AM
Our Free Press is Corporate Owned by rich men.
CNN and DNC got together to figure out what questions to ask Trump.

It's nice that CNN and the DNC are such chums that they can conspire to stab the United States free elections in the eye with a rusty shank.

Newly released emails from WikiLeaks suggest that the Democratic National Committee colluded with CNN in devising questions in April to be asked of then-Republican primary candidate Donald Trump in an upcoming interview.

In an email to DNC colleagues on April 25 with the headline "Trump Questions for CNN," a DNC official with the email username [email protected] asked for ideas for an interview to be conducted by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

"Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed. ... Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow
Dillon, who was identified in previous reports of DNC emails released by WikiLeaks in July.
The sender of the email would seem to be DNC Research Director Lauren who was identified in previous reports of DNC emails released by WikiLeaks in July.

Several hours after the first email was sent, Dillon said in a follow-up email that the interview had been cancelled, "as of now," but shared a list of questions thought up by the DNC that she said could be used for the next interview.

Some of the questions included: "Who helped you write the foreign policy speech you're giving tomorrow? Which advisors specifically did you talk to? What advice did they give you? Did they give you any advice that you chose not to take?" Others explored Saudi Arabia's alleged involvement in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a pre-preemptive strike against North Korea and court martials for members of the military who didn't follow orders.

A separate email from Dillon that same day said "CNN is looking for questions" for then-GOP primary candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and "maybe a couple on" former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina.!

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 08:55 AM
Well the DNC always intended on Hillary. And the only "Republican" she could beat would be Trump.

And not only were the successful, they've been caught multiple times interfering with democracy and I haven't heard as much as a FU#king peep other than from on here..

It's all but a joke resistant of a system that once was.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Donna Brazille and whoever gave her the debate questions at CNN should be held criminally accountable for their actions.

I'm thinking the charges should be similar to those that are given when you get caught in voter fraud.

edit on 11/7/2016 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Who would do the arresting? FBI?

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Well in all reality, this is the fault of the American people. For to long we have only a little more than half vote in Presidential elections, many of whom don't even frequent the news. So we already have a fraction of the voting population making informed votes. And we see how the MSM operates.

And lets be honest Trump still gains from Hillary winning. As I've said many times our democracy is a reflection of the people who hold it accountable. And our system proves to be apathetic at best.

So here's to another four years of no progress. And for anyone who thinks Hillary is progress, I will make a few promises.

Around half of our federal income tax will still fund the military industrial complex.

Any social programs you all want to hemerage more money will be more tax dollars.

Further division in this country as the anti Clinton people are pro democracy anti dynasty and anti corruption.

And my favorite, we will see the patriot act once again get vamped up. I expect to hear the rhetoric of Russia, and "cyber security" driving more rules on the Internet among other things..

Last promise, the masses will stay blind to this or be mad for a day or two if they hear it. 'MERICA
edit on 7-11-2016 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: seasonal

I don't really expect anything to even be mentioned of this. We all know they are just protecting their jobs for the inevitable.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:30 AM
CNN is a shill for the Democratic Party...

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

Democratic Party
a group of people who will lie, cheat and steal their way to power by any means necessary...


posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

And I guess it's their turn to fly the bird. Because if the Republicans wanted the office, they would have offered something other than McCain and Romney. The Trump thing I can't wrap my head around. He's the only person Hillary could beat.

And as far as he's the only one that can take care of draining the swamp, I think the Paul's would have done way better seeing as they know how the government operates first hand.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:39 AM
Apparently even Wolf Blitzer was being puppeteered by the DNC

Trump questions for CNN

Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed.

Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow.



posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

I would not be surprised one bit, but that doesn't directly connect him. Just his puppeteers.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Apparently even Wolf Blitzer was being puppeteered by the DNC

With the silence in the Jeffery Epstein pedo involvement with the Clintons and Trump, it is all the news networks and chicken $h!t "journalists" whom have sold their sole to the devil to turn a blind eye to these sick people.

Hope I am not ranting.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: seasonal

We all are ranting at this point. We took the red pill when we came on to this site. This is not CNN, if you're hear you can't hide from the truth, only deny it.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 11:33 AM

I guess what I dont understand is.. The reporter was already writing a Trump slam article... so.. why does it matter at that point? The article is already slanted.
a reply to: CriticalStinker

If I had to do it again, I'd still take the red pill.

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