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A few Ideas about treating Cancer

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posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 01:04 PM
My auntie died from Cancer, it was diagnosed too late despite her going to the Doctors numerous times saying she was unwell. It was stage four when they told her.
She was the kind of person who I would say felt some shame about getting cancer, like a stigma. She never wanted to talk about it and was like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand hoping that by not thinking or talking about it it would go away.
I don't think she ever thought she was going to die even when the Doctors told her she was going to. In the end when she finally realised she was going to die even then she didn't want to think or talk about it, not even to give her wishes of how things should be conducted after her death, she died without even saying where she wanted to be buried. She was like an animal with blinkers on it was all very sad.

I had been doing some research but it was not possible to share with her because the way her immediate family are, they are the type to easily place blame and so in that situation you just have to stay away unless you wanna get blamed for something and perhaps even face legal action. Some people you just cant help even if you want to.

However here are some things I would have liked to share with her if it was possible.

Firstly cancer cells are not like normal cells and it is useful to know the difference so that you can take advantage of their inbuilt weaknesses. Normal cells use oxygen and glucose or Ketones and combust it to produce energy and carbon dioxide as the bi product. Cancer cells do not use oxygen but instead ferment glucose in the absence of oxygen to produce their energy, the bi product is not carbon dioxide but lactic acid.

Cancer cells therefore are hungry for sugar (consume seven times more glucose in comparison to a normal cell) and fast carbs (simple carbohydrates). The first thing we should think about then is dropping our blood sugar levels by going on a ketone diet (basically fats and protein). Normal cells can utilise ketones but cancer cells cant so in effect you starve them to slowdown their replication.

Some drugs can also lower blood sugar levels, some diabetics use the spice cinnamon as a natural approach.

As cancer cells produce energy by fermentation they prefer low oxygen environment naturally we would want to do the reverse by increasing our blood oxygenation levels. In addition to the low oxygen environment you will note that cancer cells produce acid and this acid further lowers the tissue oxygen levels. Alkaline blood carry s more oxygen so naturally we should look into blood alkalising through diet and there are many sources from which you could learn about "the alkaline diet".

Oxygen therapies such as hyperbaric oxygen chamber and simply getting fresh air with slow rhythmic breathing could be worth looking into. Consuming water with two drops of peppermint oil in one litres has been shown to increase blood oxygen levels. We should also insure we are not low in Iron since it is Iron that allows our blood to uptake oxygen. A fitter patient might even consider light cardio (outside) to increase blood oxygen levels.

The mitochondria in cancer cells has shut down and so looking into ways to reactivate the mitochondria may cause a cancer cell to start functioning normally. The herb cordyceps is known to increase ATP output and this could be due to boosting mitochondrial functioning however there are others too

Another thing we can take advantage of is the fact that cancer cells absorb more Iron then normal cells (seven times more) and we can use this as a trojan horse weapon. The herb Oriental wormwood reacts with iron in the cells and produces hydrogen peroxide which kills them, in effect we have weaponised the cancer cells love for Iron to self-destruct them from within.

By itself, artemisinin is about 100 times more selective in killing cancer cells as opposed to normal cells. Artemisinin is 34,000 times more potent in killing the cancer cells as opposed to their normal cousins. So the tagging process appears to have greatly increased the potency of artemisinin’s cancer-killing properties. – Henry Lai

Another thing I noticed is that most antioxidants kills cancers so loading up with antioxidants could be a good thing (not when taking oriental wormwood because its mode of action is by releasing free radicals within cancer cells). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is the body's own natural antioxidant so supplementation to insure our levels are up may be of benefit.

Negatively charged air (negative air ioniser) has been shown to slow down cancer growth in lab rats which is interesting since an antioxidant is an electron donor. The Earth is naturally negative and it has been shown that standing on a grounded antistatic matt increases blood oxygenation some people put them underneath them as they sleep.

We all produce potentially cancerous cells but our immune system recognises them and destroys them before they replicate. Do those who get cancer have an impaired immune system? Some researchers believe so and point to the repair of the immune system as a anticancer treatment.
The larger part of your immune system is located in your gut so good gut health equals a good immune system. I had read GcMAF repairs the immune system but further research is needed to see if it is legit or not.

Just some ideas to think about, I'm not a doctor and these areas are just where my research into taking advantage of the differences between healthy and cancerous cells lead me.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 01:15 PM
There seems to be different kinds of cancers, even cancer in the lungs can be of different kinds in the way they work. A few cancers can utilize ketones for energy. Not all live on glucose. There are a lot of ways to kill cancer when it is small, but when it gets going it is much harder to stop. Sometimes you might need chemo or immunotherapy.

I know of quite a few ways to fight cancer but you almost must know what kind of cancer it is or you might make things worse. Number one thing, if you have cancer do not go wild with antioxidants, they can mask our immune system from recognizing cancer and killing it..

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yes if you are diagnosed with cancer you must know the exact cancer type as simply knowing that and plugging that into a search engine will bring up treatments and research specific to your individual case.

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: zinc12

I'm on the fence with causes of cancer,my father's family of 6 brothers and 2 sisters all died of cancer,my 2nd to oldest sister has it,now my big brother,both of them grew up non smokers,drinkers,ate healthy,stayed in good shape,I on other hand pretty much the opposite,after 12 yrs of bugging I went to see a GP,all my test came back as perfect,just wants me to quit smoking,no cancer cells,so go figure,I figure if I start eating too healthy I may drop dead

posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Oldtimer2

I know of family's where cancer seems to persist and in those cases I guess there is a genetic basis, perhaps a genetic weakness of the immune system to recognise and kill cancer cells.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 05:18 AM
The best idea about treating cancer is to see a qualified oncologist as soon as possible.
The worst idea is wasting time trying to find treatment via Google or forums like this.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: Pardon?

The best idea about treating cancer is to see a qualified oncologist as soon as possible.
The worst idea is wasting time trying to find treatment via Google or forums like this.

There is no reason why you should not do both, you might increase your chances significantly !

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: zinc12

originally posted by: Pardon?

The best idea about treating cancer is to see a qualified oncologist as soon as possible.
The worst idea is wasting time trying to find treatment via Google or forums like this.

There is no reason why you should not do both, you might increase your chances significantly !

You won't.
Only one of the options actually stands a chance of doing something.
The other just wastes time.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: zinc12
Alkaline blood carry s more oxygen so naturally we should look into blood alkalising through diet and there are many sources from which you could learn about "the alkaline diet".

First of all blood is actually slightly alkaline. Second, blood PH can only be within a very narrow range, 7.35 to 7.45 to be precise, and our kidneys work really hard to regulate it. Basically: blood PH under 7.35 means death, and over 7.45 means death.

Food does not change your blood PH levels. Your urine Ph may change with certain food, but that's only because the kidneys are expelling end products that are excess and not needed. But the blood PH have to stay within range or the person won't survive. Which also means the oxygen levels are not affected by the blood PH as it has to stay constant.

Sorry to hear about your auntie, may she rest in peace.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Agartha

You are forgetting that people with cancer are not healthy and the cancer cells are acidifying the tissue because they produce lactic acid as a by-product.

A team of researchers has found that lactic acid is an important energy source for tumor cells. In further experiments, they discovered a new way to destroy the most hard-to-kill, dangerous tumor cells by preventing them from delivering lactic acid.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: zinc12
You are forgetting that people with cancer are not healthy and the cancer cells are acidifying the tissue because they produce lactic acid as a by-product.

No, it doesn’t work like that, you are simplifying things when they really are quite complicated.

It doesn’t matter whether a person is ill or healthy, the body will always keep the blood PH at the narrow level I mentioned above. Cancer cells do not prefer ‘low oxygen environments’, as you put it: cancer cells have faulty mitochondria, hence they had to adapt and have to create energy outside the mitochondria and produce lactic acid. Only the immediate environment outside cancer cells can become acidic, it does not spread to the blood to change its PH.

There are times when blood PH changes and it’s called acidosis: the lungs, liver and kidneys are unable to keep a healthy balance of plasma acidity. This is a life threatening condition and it should be treated in hospital, no herb or spice can prevent it or cure it.

There are two types of acidosis: A and B. A is the most common one, and it occurs because the delivery of oxygen is inadequate. Common causes are asthma or shock; cancer does not cause type A.

Acidosis type B is the rare one, as it doesn’t show any clinical evidence for reduction in tissue oxygen delivery. Cancer relation to acidosis B is even rarer and most cases were in patients with leukaemia or lymphoma. ( LINK )

Scientists still don’t know how the acidosis in those cancer patients was caused, and there are several unconfirmed theories:

* The liver clears 80% to 90% of lactate produced. Tumour involvement in liver dysfunction can cause acidosis. ( LINK )

* Non-structural dysfunction of liver caused by cancer ( LINK )

* Thiamine deficiency (see link above).

Unfortunately acidosis caused by cancer is so rare that there have been no trials to study this complication as yet, and this is why theories and treatments are highly speculative. But you are correct and some scientists do believe that acidosis may increase tumour proliferation and they think so because of the poor prognosis when it's finally diagnosed (see my last link). However, it is rare, and it's not associated with cancer in general.

In short: cancer does not alter the blood PH and it does not love anaerobic environments.

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