posted on Nov, 5 2016 @ 12:41 PM
• March 2013, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper (who oversees all US intelligence agencies) denies to Congress that NSA
intelligence officials collect data on Americans
• June 2013, Edward Snowden leaks confirm the DNI lied
• December 2014, Sony pictures is hacked and President Obama blames North Korea.
• July 2016, the television Vice channel series Cyberwar, the Sony hack, reveals other hackers could have done the hack using shared malware and
fake IP addresses
• Sometime prior to their July 2016 Convention the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is hacked. The Dems “increasingly share the opinion” that
the Russian government is behind the hack.
• August 1st 2016, former NSA employee in charge of their surveillance program after 911 asserts a disgruntled NSA employee probably hacked the DNC
because of Hillary’s compromising of state secrets.
• August 2nd 2016, Donald Trump warns general election “is going to be rigged”
• August 3rd 2016, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson warns about state election systems being vulnerable to hacking.
• August 15th DHS offers to help state officials make their systems more secure
• August 17th 2016, an Electronic Privacy Information Center reports 32 of the 50 states would allow voting by insecure email, fax and internet
portals in this election cycle.
• August 18th 2016, FBI warns state officials that hackers have targeted state election data systems. Probably two state voter registration systems
affected (AZ, IL)
• August 27th 2016, outgoing Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid demands an investigation of Trump associations with Russia.
• September 6th 2016, Hillary Clinton implies to ABC that Russia will “tilt” the election through hacking
• September 16th 2016, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) offers to scan state voting systems ahead of the 2016 elections for security purposes
to avoid hacking
o This help includes “Cyber hygiene scans on Internet-facing systems” and “Risk and vulnerability assessments”. This means the Obama/Democrat
Administration will both remotely scan and conduct a 2-3 week on-site test of state election systems to detect vulnerabilities and recommend
mitigations to prevent hacking
• September 28th 2016, 18 states ask DHS for help securing their voting systems
• October 19th 2016, during the Presidential debate Clinton states she will accept the outcome of the election but Trump says he wants to wait and
see how it goes.
Clinton also unequivocally asserts that 17 intelligence agencies all state the hacking of the DNC and her campaign was done by the Russians. While
factually only the DNI (Clapper) and DHS (Johnson) Secretaries, both Obama appointees, have stated the hacks “are consistent with the methods and
motivations of Russian-directed efforts”.
Remember Clapper’s lie about collecting data on Americans, the July 2016 Sony hack and that DHS national cybersecurity experts are now knee deep
in the state systems?
• November 4th 2016, DHS announces it is now “helping” 48 states protect their election systems. Warns of probable Russian interference.
• Future?
o November 8th, 2016
The narrative has been laid, the lies have been told, the media has swallowed it hook line and sinker.
Hillary Clinton wins.
• Were the state election systems hacked by the DHS? Did the Democratic Administration “experts” rig the voting system while they “helped”
with their security review of the states? If hacks are found post-election who will they be blamed on? How will the public know the real truth? Will
we trust answers from the new pathological liar President or the corrupt DOJ (Lynch) or the compromised FBI (Comey)? Are the lying DNI (Clapper) and
DHS (Johnson) any more trusted?
Donald Trump wins.
• Were the state election systems hacked? Do the Democrats blame Russia acting on behalf of “their friend” Donald Trump? Did he cut a deal with
Putin? Will President Obama use election fraud argument to retain power until new elections are held? Or will the split Supreme Court decide, perhaps
basing their decision on the least national turmoil? Or, due to a tie, toss the decision to the lower 4th Federal Court of Appeals that has been
staffed by Obama over the last 7 years?
• Interesting times are ahead
• “The people who cast votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” – Joseph Stalin