posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 09:53 AM
I totally agree. I can't stand cellphones. You can't even send people to voicemail when you're busy anymore because people will just text you instead.
Don't they see i'm busy! If I wanted to or could talk to you, I would have answered my phone! People blocking you and getting attitudes for you not
texting back immediately. I don't have time to constantly baby sit all these social media apps. There are too many ways for people to contact you now.
You got facebook, twitter, personal emails (like 10 or so), work and business emails, facebook messenger, google duo, instagram, snap chat, linkedIn,
DAMN! Can I get some privacy please?! They're all buzzing and digging, and chirping, with all their notifications of which I give 2 cents about!
The only thing I like is GPS. However, I used to think that letting people have immediate access to you by carrying a cell-phone around would be
great......until I started carrying one! Ridiculous of me to think that giving 100+ so called "facebook friends" access to me 24hrs a day, 7 days a
week would be a good thing! How can I get out of this situation?! I feel trapped! I wish we could go back to just computers and land line home phones.
I wish we could go back to the days of cheap 25 cent calls at a pay phone which limits the time you 're talking to boring gossipy people, because all
you have to say is, " Oh, I have to go, my call time has ran out." Then you get to hang up with no questions asked, nothing to explain and prove,
edit on 9-3-2022 by willishar because: punctuation