posted on Nov, 3 2016 @ 05:47 PM
I was trying to track this movie down for years in the pre-internet era, and when it finally showed up on UK TV in 2003 it was in some graveyard slot
in the early morning - and I didn't have a video recorder (remember those?) So I set the alarm clock and got up in the middle of the night to watch
it. I'm glad I did. It really is an excellent movie, and I endorse the OP's recommendation.
It's probably most interesting for being a 'fly in amber' from the first generation of JFK conspiracy thinking, in that it concerns itself mainly with
the planning and execution, rather than the geopolitical implications, webs of espionage and political double-crosses, and the general grand canvas of
Oliver Stone's movie.
Executive Action is a far more 'intimate' film, its characters and settings quite small-scale, and the rationale for the murder is dealt with
almost in passing. The scene in which the oil-baron character makes a phone call to signal his assent to the murder, which must last 10 seconds at
most, is a real gem. And there are some interesting thoughts (the Oswald impersonator being coached with cinema newsreel footage of the real Oswald
sticks in the mind).
Oliver Stone set out to make A Great Movie. Executive Action is just a great movie.