posted on Nov, 3 2016 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to:
Honestly, I think that at this point that's just about the
only motivation for people in high levels of pubic service. Being a bit of a policy
/ fact wonk I tend to dig really deep into things whenever political stories arise - not just the meat of the issue itself but also into the people
and players involved. Everyone and everything.
Never does it fail to amaze - the revolving doors in Washington and even at State levels. They're almost all connected directly the same very small
circles of power. It's very incestuous. The cycle of "public servant" to "lobbyist" to "consultant" and back to "public servant" is nearly
They're set for life having been civil servants - but it's not enough. They augment the free medical, free security and lush retirement plans they get
on our dime by selling themselves to corporations for a lot of $$$ in the form of short term lobbying or consulting gigs.
After awhile it becomes really apparent why Washington is perpetually deadlocked and why it's always on the same few issues. It's their job security
and it makes it at least appear as if they're fighting against the very same entities that end up paying them later on.