posted on Nov, 1 2016 @ 05:43 PM
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein quoted that phrase according to history books.. I try to cope with
our so called reality everyday, for some it comes natural for others its more difficult..
I cant write philosophy, im getting better at it, but usually it just ends up with mimicking someones work.. I use giants from the past and stand on
their shoulders, mostly cause of the comfort they give cause their path is already trampled.
There is no risk but the reward is great to see what they saw,and feel the same as they once felt..
I wish i could write philosophy, poetry even a story worth remembering.. I cant, but i can see what is real and what is not, and i could say, its a
very scary feeling once you accept that the reality people see is quite different from yours.. And once you get to know the neurotic behavior of guilt
and shame, and those who puts a smile and say all the words someones wants to hear.. I call it a clowns mask, just that, they have it on all their
I venture into nature, and leave everything modern and electronic at home and sometimes walk for hours, just me and my little companion.. When i
return, i feel refreshed, at ease and at peace.. What is out there is real, inside those invisible walls are insanity..
Change Your Story, Change Your Perception and your life will change.