posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 11:10 PM
I would like to invite you to join me in wishing a particular member a Very Happy Birthday!
He has expressed to me that he prefers to remain anonymous at this point but, I can assure you that most of you
(the regulars) know of him and his posts.
Perhaps, he has ripped you with a one liner (I certainly have been a victim) or shot your theory down in flames with facts and figures.
His wit is unsurpassed and I am thankful that we are friends.
Hopefully, his wife doesn’t take this opportunity to poison him and he lives to a ripe old age of I don’t know… like, 75 or something.
I’ve written a little verse in his honor;
He calls the lightning from the sky
Classic fedora, twinkle in his eye
Teddy bears (the Bernstein variety) tremble at his feet
With a sippy straw, he savors his bourbon neat
So, I want to play a little game to make it, hopefully, slightly more interesting since we can’t really have a party. I will add to the poem as we
go along. A game of charades, if you will, in a VR world.
edit on 31-10-2016 by TNMockingbird because: (no reason given)