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Peter Thiel On Why He Supports Trump, A must watch video

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posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 12:16 PM
A few hours ago Peter Thiel, a guy best know for being one of the creators of Paypal and for being an early investor in FB among other companies gave a speech at the Press Club where he explained why he supports Trump. Coincidentally or not, this is exactly why I and many people support Trump.

This is a must watch video before voting:

So, Why are you voting Trump?
edit on 31-10-2016 by CrapAsUsual because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

Nope. There are no more "MUST" watch anything concerning these elections, it all is BS! I am so sick of this, if I have to hear one more thing about either of them I will just SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 12:26 PM
I watched it live for bit and thought he was hitting a few home runs with some concisely driven points.

Worth a watch

Im voting for teflon because corrupt dynasties in America arent supposed to be..
Imagine the horror if bush vs clinton happened.. I would have prob thought about a citizenship change.

edit on 31-10-2016 by Bspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

i m voting trump because i want to see this country run by trump and trumps less than stellar supporters come out of their dwellings...

it will be interesting to say the least.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: searcherfortruth
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

Nope. There are no more "MUST" watch anything concerning these elections, it all is BS! I am so sick of this, if I have to hear one more thing about either of them I will just SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if that is happening to you, you need to step away for a while, you are giving them what they want, anger, frustration, real emotional's called "Schadenfreude" .....

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: searcherfortruth
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

Nope. There are no more "MUST" watch anything concerning these elections, it all is BS! I am so sick of this, if I have to hear one more thing about either of them I will just SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats perfectly understandable. These is the worst campaign I have ever seen from the US.

I had no opinion on Thiel, other than what I knew about his ventures and not much more. This guy has an interesting thought.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

I watched the entire video. I'm neither a Clinton or Trump supporter. This guy should have ran for president not Trump! He's the type of non-establishment candidate I and many other 3rd party candidate supporters would have voted for. I would be lying if I said I didn't agree with some of Trumps perspectives. I could say the same thing about Clinton. However, his many faults and business scandals are just too overwhelming and it cancels out any positive things I can agree with.

The major problem I have with Trump is he doesn't lead by example. His poor temperament would be terrible for negotiating peace and could create more enemies than allies. He's a habitual liar, doesn't prepare or research the issues, talks like an idiot and he's filled with hate. For the most part he just comes across as a huge A-HOLE!

I think if Trump's narcissistic character and poor temperament wasn't so bad, he would most likely be leaving Hillary in the dust! I think many voters want to support a non-establishment candidate, but not someone who is incompetent, communicates poorly, has numerous character flaws and has questionable business dealings, all of which Trump possesses.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 01:43 PM
Even though I agree with much of this fellows assessment of our situation, I think he has missed a few key points.
One, he blames the Democrats for Vietnam. While that conflict was exacerbated during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, it was greatly at the behest of the war hawks from the right. In actuality that conflict began directly after the end of the world war under Truman, but again that was part of the anti-communist agenda at the time and the idea that giving back 'administration' to the French was an acceptable solution at the time to all parties. The Eisenhower administration of 8 years did nothing to change that policy until it blew up do to Frances failure to deal with the growing discontent of overseas control by the Vietnamese.

Another concept he presents that I take issue with is his placing blame on the Boomer Generation. There were two distinct segments to that generation. Those who sought to change the course of Western Civilization and move us away from the materialist and dominionist forces prevalent at the time and those who wanted to take advantage of those forces.
When the first group helped to bring an end to that overseas conflict and then asked, 'what next' they were told, go back into the work place, become part of the system, work from within it. But by that time the old forces of capitalism had been hard at work making sure that the system that mostly enriched the wealthy was too strong to change. And that anti-war group, those 'hippies' who wanted a less materialistic society, how are they painted now? Like losers, like a generation gone wrong.

Mr. Trump is called an outsider, and to some I guess he is. He is riding that perception but to me he is not. He is as 'insider' as can be to the real system that needs to be overthrown. Trump is a boomer, but not just any boomer. He is a boomer who inherited wealth and a mindset to take advantage of every situation and every person who stood in his way. He is a boomer who has done exactly what our video guy puts the blame on. Mr. Trump has ridden those economic bubbles like few others, but now claims to be an outsider.

And even as I find the video guy having sound opinions, I think he is missing the boat.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Lets keep the focus on what really matters, the big issues.

Globalisation, mega free trade deals, immigration, unemployment, crime, drugs.

These are all related, this skewed globalisation is the result of the disastrous free trade deals made since Bill Clit presidency, the mass immigration is the result of wars fought for resources and geopolitical supremacy. Syria, Libya, Iraq, all examples of this.

The globalisation has been sold to us with the argument that as production goes to low cost labour countries, we become more technologically advanced and magically keep that edge while low labour cost countries produce our goods that ought to be sold for the profit of our multinationals.

This worked for 15 years but now china can produce absolutely everything and can even develop technologies similar to ours, soon enough, with the piles of money and know how they accumulated they will invert the cycle and we will become their cheap labour destination. Wanna bet?

The AI Automation is not being pondered into this equation, who will it replace exactly is still unknown but it will gradually take over most production and even commerce jobs.

Why the immigrants?

Exactly because of what was said above, we´re getting to the point where our labour cost must be lowered to become competitive with china´s and other countries of the same level.

A completely culturally mixed up world is ideal for these globalists, no nationalisms, no coherent cultural groups.

A mixed cultures world is inevitable, is inevitable since the 15th century but these globalists are pushing this transformations to their own benefit and we can´t allow that.

Levelling all by the lowest common denominator is what globalisation is.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

Peter Thiel is full of s#.

Palantir Apologizes For WikiLeaks Attack Proposal, Cuts Ties With HBGary

On Thursday, the Tech Herald reported that hacked emails from HBGary revealed a PDF document outlining a proposal to Bank of America to sabotage WikiLeaks on multiple fronts, a response plan to what some believe may be a release of Bank of America’s internal documents by WikiLeaks in coming months. The PDF suggested launching cyberattacks on WikiLeaks servers, spreading misinformation about its insecurity, and even pressuring journalists who support the site, specifically focusing on Glenn Greenwald of

Palantir’s Karp also apologized for its role in that proposal. “Personally and on behalf of the entire company, I want to publicly apologize to progressive organizations in general, and Mr. Greenwald in particular, for any involvement that we may have had in these matters.”

The stolen PDF shows a Palantir logo on every slide, but also logos of HBGary and Berico Technologies. Neither of those firms responded to requests for comment Thursday. A Bank of America spokesperson denied ever engaging the services of HBGary.

Do you know who Planatir is or what they do? Do you know who is the co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Planatir?

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

A mixed cultures world is inevitable, is inevitable since the 15th century but these globalists are pushing this transformations to their own benefit and we can´t allow that.

Levelling all by the lowest common denominator is what globalisation is.

I agree but I also do not think that Mr. Trump is one to alter this 'top down' transformation from independent nation states to a truly global community.

As you say, globalization is inevitable and for me at least, any belief that holds that it is not is just askew, is not realizing the overall flow of history. But how do we get from 'here' to 'there' if not by 'top down' means. It seems to me that humans have almost always moved and transitioned by this formula. The top moves and the bottom follows.

Yet I am also in complete agreement that the globalists who are now in positions of power, power enough to guide rather than coerce or force their brand of globalization do not seem to be doing this in any enlightened manner. Maybe some are trying, I don't really know.

As I look out at the world, I ask myself who is it that has for the last half century at least that has been speaking out and suggesting that this globalization is coming and that it is something that we should embrace, that it is something that is inevitable, that it is something that will not be easy but something that we must adjust to and attempt to alter our own age old concepts of how we as individuals can change from the 'mine is the God proven way' to one more flexible in understanding that globalization should be for all of us and not just for the few on the top of the pyramid.

I will be the first to admit Crap, that I am stuck in a rut my parents set me in when I was young. They fought in WWII and I was born in that first wave of Boomers. My parents were dead set against further wars. My father fought in the jungles of New Guinea and my mother attended him in hospital when he was dragged out. They both became liberals because they vowed to do what they could to not see another war like that. They both embraced the attempts of the world at that time in the formation of the UN. I was raised in this mold and find it hard to abandon.

Now of course, I have come to understand the falicies of the UN. How it was little more than attempts of the rich in what was left of the rich countries to advance their own goals of power. I have known this now for decades, but who else is there who is even willing to consider this inevitable transformation.

For all these years I have listened and it is only those who have at least publicly held to liberal principles that have appeared to hold this notion. Conservatives almost across the board have held the other way. That globalization is wrong that cross cultural assimilation is wrong, that all attempts to unify the world is wrong. That is wrong unless it is done in a way that America will be the boss. Because America is the best, because America will fulfill God's will and make the world a Christian place and blah blah blah.

So I ask myself, how can we go about this. I do not trust those within the existing power structure to do ANYTHING other than securing their own power. ANYTHING. But AT LEAST, there are those within that liberal mindset that still seem to be open to the concept that globalization is inevitable. Do I find this with in the conservative mind set? No I do not.

So yes, Clinton is a tool of the globalists. I agree, and I hate her for pretending to be liberal. But to the side a moment, there are those conservatives who believe that she is a socialist, that she is a commie in disguise. What a bunch of hooey.

But back on point her as you request. Trump, is he a globalist? Hell no. He is a capitalist. He is not a builder, he is not an entrepreneur. He is a money manipulator who buys other companies in jeopardy or default and then puts his name on them and trys to sell them for a profit. He is not pointing us towards this inevitable globalization. What he is pointing us to is exactly what his base is screaming for. No to the rest of the world and America first. He has found as his base the most conservative anti globalist crowd in the country. Should he win, would he then turn his back on his constituency and show his more liberal side? Would he then show that he is truly a globalist? I think not.

I think him to be a wanna be PTB. His own skill and his own charisma and prowess has not gained him the stature and power that he has wished for within his own 'I am the only one who can do it' mind set. I see him as an over the top narcissist will not and cannot admit his own failures and needs to blame them on anyone, on EVERYONE, else.

I think that should he be president, he will surround himself with more people of the same caliber. People who will blame anyone else and it will only get worse.

Now, do I believe that Clinton is the answer??? Flakin zero chance of that hey. Not a drop in the bucket of possibility. But for me, this juggernaught called civilizaton has gotten us to this point where, it is my hope, my dwindling hope, that the liberalism of my parents, of my youth still smolders in the hearts of the liberals who see the inevitability of globalization and find themselves under that liberal umbrella will find a way to throw off the chains of the 'not so liberal after all' Clinton cabal so that something better can emerge from the rubble of that tired political party.
One final side note. You mention those disastrous trade bills, like nafta and the World Trade Organization. Those treaties that were signed under Slick Willy and his pals. Do we think that was his doing? Hell no. He was doing the business of his masters, the capitalists in charge. He bowed out of any real liberalism he might ever have held and became a capitalist shill. And look how he has prospered.

Well, Crap, I hope I have furthered this conversation by getting back on point and focusing on the 'larger issues' we face in this election and the near future. The very near future. Pray we can make it through the next four years in any case.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Well said in first paragraph..
Problem is that your description of Trump is on par with how other world leader personalities are..

Its also on par with most business owners. Its why they are able to communicate with one another.. Opposite to aspergers but parralell.

Hillary is a puppet and Trump wants prosperity. A puppet Clinton will sell appendage by appendage and Trump wil not as far as i can see.

Im voting lib but am still hoping trump wins.. Effin hillary makes fibers in me twitch that i havent felt for years.


posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 10:34 PM
This makes perfect sense considering the bathroom bills that Pence pushed that pissed PP off to the point of leaving the states and causing huge fuss.
edit on 31-10-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

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