posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 01:01 AM
I belive from what ive heard that the greys have 2 diff brains as we have 2 hemishperes but 1 brain.
they have 2 seperate brain halves , 1 hive mind and 1 independent mind.
The hive connects them all via wireless radio network (telepathy)
At brain wave frequencies 2- 30 hz, its a fact our brains act as radios transmitting and receiving info wether your aware of it or not.
not much of a leap to say you could intercept that signal even digitize it or amplify it manipulate it ect.
Like a hands free cell phone,
A cheap fake verion of telepathy has already been developed!
It works off the vegas nerve in throat...
most people move lips a little sometimes when thinking and reading,
the words are actually being fowarded to your throat!
They tapped this nerve (via electrode over skin) then discovered what signals were which words and ran it thru a microprocessor to turn analoge to
digital and vice versa.
Instant talking with words that dont come past your throat or mouth!
wireless radio , see not crazy nor impossible.
But i seriouslly disagree with the big hrad antenee idea, IMO