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The Universal Language / Reason for aliens large Heads

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posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 10:17 PM
Math is the universal langauge. That can be debated but the pro will be the victor. Everything comes down to math, from calculus to sacred geometry.

Even planets vibrate (expecially planets with rings), these vibrations when turned into sound that our ears can hear actually makes melodies. Music when the sound is taken away is mathematics.

Now what if aliens are not telepathic, but actually speak music. Inaudiable music to our ears, Maybe they have such bulbus heads because they pick up vibrations and that is there language.

Music is the key to everything. Music = Vibrations, vibrations (theoretically) can open other dimensions, "sound" will reveil the serpents. It is all about music.

So my theory is that Aliens speak music, and music is the universal language not math persay. (music is math basically)

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 10:43 PM
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, in a way. I like it. I can see where you are coming from with this one cause it makes perfect snese.

I remember a theory like this being mentioned in some other movie as well. Can't even remember what kind of movie but it said something like everything was music because everything vibrates.

It's so simple that it could be a perfect fit.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 10:49 PM
That is a most interesting theory, but what was the reason for the large head. I feel as though I missed something.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 10:54 PM
Music yes I've mention that before regarding an expieriance but the large heads to hear?
Maybe if you assume they ding like bells,lol....

But in all due respect I truly belive they not all species but some whislte such as flute sound to communicate : I've herd it before.

[edit on 24-1-2005 by 2ndSEED]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Mandalorianwarrior
I remember a theory like this being mentioned in some other movie as well. Can't even remember what kind of movie but it said something like everything was music because everything vibrates.

To me this resounds(pun) String Theory. I am sure many people on here will be familiar with this concept, but Physicists being of the fickle fabric(another pun coming up) that they are of have moved on to Membrane Theory, or "M-Theory". It's really quite interesting, I do recommend that you look into it if you aren't familiar. I wish I could post more but I need to get up for school tomorrow. I'll probably put more up then.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 11:37 PM
Vibrational music makes perfect sense.

Wellwhatnow, they would need the big heads to comprehend and translate the vibrations to communicational understandment.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Vibrational music makes perfect sense.

Wellwhatnow, they would need the big heads to comprehend and translate the vibrations to communicational understandment.

That would be logical but question would the massive dome contain a giant brain or would it be somewhat hollow? As to absorb vibration!!!!!
I'm not saying that they aren't brainiacs but what if this theory of sound or music is use for their communication, wouldn't a large dome (Head) as a bell
attrack vibration....hello...ding...ding!!!!!

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:22 AM
Intressting I thought that aliens used telepathy or some languge that they speak with so high freakvense(I may have spellt wrong)that to the human ear, we hear nothing.

But I wonder, are you speaking just about the greys?

Dont we also funktion like that to, with vibration. You could say our ears are a dome if you may.
And don't they have to make powerfull vibrations if they want their heads affected so they can "hear" each other

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:44 AM
I was thinking that maybe there heads are hollow...or instead of 2 small ear drums, like we have, maybe there head is the ear drum basicallly. Or hollow, that would work. It would have to intenstify the vibrations of course.

I've read first hand accounts of people yelling at aliens and they've ran with there heads in there hands, seemingly in pain. After the aliens came back, they walked over to the person in the bed, touched the persons eyes, then touched their mouth. I think that is telling her to watch but to not speak, because it hurts.

You said you've heard a flute? Maybe that was actually them "singing" (talking)

The greys seem to have no lips, and a very weak jaw structure. Could this be because you can sing and make notes without actually moving your lips?

But math IS the universal language, Music is basically math that is audiable, so maybe the aliens figured that music was the best way to communicate with other species because it, itself is the universal language. So they then changed and all learned music? Rambling, but worth a thought.

Iori_Komei, they do have large heads

Yeah, I was thinking about greys when I came up with this. The best chance to comminicate with an alien would be music. Wouldn't it?

[edit on 25-1-2005 by _BLiND_]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:49 AM
Actually, going by what we know of our own species, there is an argument that could lean towards the fact that the heads of aliens aren't enlarged to house big brains. This is just something that I picked up on in a recent program on UK's
Channel 4.

Neuroscientist Dr Michael Hofman of the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research has compared the brain structures of primates to try and understand what would happen if our brains were to become much bigger. According to Hofman, we humans have hit the limits of our intelligence – if our brains got any bigger, they’d actually get slower: ‘After a particular brain size, something strange happens. There is some maximum in intelligence, in processing power, in cognitive abilities, but beyond that point you find a decrease.
If we have reached a glass ceiling in brain power, could we or other life forms in the universe ever become more intelligent?

Now of course, this is only what we have discovered about our own brains , and who's to know what effects an alien environment may have on their developement. But it's food for thought for some who's theory is that greys are us from the future.
I think that the possibility that there is some sort of resonance chamber inside the large skull of a grey is quite an interesting thought.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:57 AM
Fart noises, the language of the Gods

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:57 AM
Cool theory!

Kinda reminds me of the Rama books (Arthur C Clarke) where the aliens speak in colour
I think dolphins have a large brain-segment at the front of their heads called a 'melon' which they use for sonar (either clicking or hearing, can't remember which...)

Also, if they used "music" (or sound in general) they'd still have to have recognised meaning for those sounds. ie: C-flat = what? Without any kind of meaning it's just a sound. In fact, all languages are based on sound, words being made up of different 'sounds' strung together. In that sense it's music. Though I think you mean pure notes. But even so they still need to assign meanings to those notes.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:27 AM
So the best way to communicate with an alien is to play some instrument when you meet them?

Oh and do you all think that aliens might be atracted of a music festival?
But run away when it becomes to high(the music)?

Maybe those who don't like high music are aliens then.......

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:48 AM
This is a really neat theory.

It also goes well with my theory that their leader has been living among us for over 30 years now.

When MJ would scream "Shaman", or make other unearthly sounds during his songs, he was really just singing/communicating to his fellow ET's.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:56 PM
You would think the different notes would have to be words, but you can listen to a song without words and feel the emotion behind it.

Who knows. But since people never hear the aliens speak it would have to be very very high pitched. Maybe thats why dogs go nuts when aliens are around.?

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by GrendelsBacon

Originally posted by Mandalorianwarrior
I remember a theory like this being mentioned in some other movie as well. Can't even remember what kind of movie but it said something like everything was music because everything vibrates.

To me this resounds(pun) String Theory. I am sure many people on here will be familiar with this concept, but Physicists being of the fickle fabric(another pun coming up) that they are of have moved on to Membrane Theory, or "M-Theory". It's really quite interesting, I do recommend that you look into it if you aren't familiar. I wish I could post more but I need to get up for school tomorrow. I'll probably put more up then.

You are exactly right!!! I forgot that I got this from an article and not a movie. I think it may have been in TIME, or something like it. The article was an interesting take on string theory. Thanks for making the correct connection

So this may not be so far from the truth after all. I was also having a hard time figuring out what was meant by the large head but some good takes on that have been mentioned as well.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:18 PM
So that means Beethoven is the best mathematian!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Not nessicarily, he could compose very well. But does that mean a great mathematician can compose symphonies? Well, I guess in theory he could.

[edit on 27-1-2005 by _BLiND_]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Actually, the universal language would be emotion. Emotion would be all the same, without any need to translate characters (as would be required for math). One would simply "feel" what the other person was feeling/thinking, sort of like Deana (sp?) Troy in Star Trek: Next Generation.

Or you'd have pure telepathy, but I can't rationalize the fact that if you have telepathy, how do you control your thoughts so that you at least have some mental privacy. If you have open telepathy, you'd have to self-censor your own thoughts, and personally, I don't think any thought should be censored, but over and over again, you reach in various fiction and philosophical books about how thoughts are energy, as evidenced by EEG's, energy can be turned to words, words can be used to shatter rock, break bones, heal the sick, anything. Maybe amplification of that energy is where you can distinguish open (to everyone) vs. closed (personal) thought....Anyway, now we're getting into DUNE type stuff, what with the weirding module....

None of this goes against the original thread. Thoughts are frequencies. So are words. So are emotions. It's just that with math you'd have to have a written language in which to decipher numbers, and also, many cultures don't have language that incorporates numbers. They use "a few" or "many".

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 03:30 PM
Yeah, I know your not trying to go against my theory, but Math is considered the universal langauge.

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